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How does SS Plains look on your Server?


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On mine it's pretty hideous...


... we went from 4 full and 2 empty channels two 2 empty channels and two freely enterable channels...

... we have a lovely 85 to 15% melee ratio on the full channels, the ranged featuring their 510+ AP.

... pigs and terrors are now pulled so hideously close to the enemies base terror, that at least one or two of the melees charging in are grapped bei them.

... terrors recently somehow spent a signficant time in air - good luck melee friends getting hits in.


The state is quite sad - people are at least leaving Soulstone Plains left and right - and i'd imagine they will follow suite and leave the game pretty fast.


Soulstone Plains is a massive up*cricket* as a melee - nothing is done or has been done to ever change it - and it's still the only viable way out there to get Soulstones.


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