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Open World?


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First off I really like the idea of optional open world PvP. However most players seem to forget one very important thing. Not all players in faction gear are actively participating in the open world PvP.


Many times doing my dailies in soulstone scar (a lvl 30 zone let me remind you) I have been suddenly cut down by a level 50 player. As a warlock I get enough deaths anyway and spend a bit of time having to gather chi or revive. So you can imagine how frustrating it is to be minding my own business, even trying to avoid other players only to have them chase me down. I have tried everything short of windstriding away. Honestly it is horrendous to be doing everything short of NOT going after that nice amount of daily xp and getting killed by other players. More than once I tell them after the first kill that I just want to do my dailies and they keep killing me. Finally as I start being borderline offensive they realize what I've said sometimes 5-7 times and apologize, which frankly is too little too late. If you have done this just know that there are more players than just me who feel like this and wish you'd leave us alone.


The other situation is when I sit in a town staying fair ways from other pvping players with faction gear on so newer players can attack a softer if higher level opponent to try pvp in open world. Again just because I have faction gear does NOT mean every level 50 on the map needs to come and shove their sword/axe/staff in my face. I watched a level 50 killed a lvl 20 (who presumably just got faction gear opposing the level 50's gear). Now how in anyway is that okay?


My point is that just because someone is wearing faction gear does not mean they are open season. One kill is okay since you wouldn't know but if someone says they aren't doing pvp or aren't part of open pvp and are just wearing the gear then you need to back off. The only other open pvp game I played had unwritten rules players followed to make it an enjoyable experience for all. Apparently it needs to be written for this game.


I don't know if this will end up merged with another topic or pulled down but it needs to be said regardless. 




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Regarding your level 30 PvP-quest in soulstone scars: Switch channels before you get killed 5-7 times?

About killing lower players in general: Killing players of the opposing faction is part of an achievement (up to 1000 players actually). If you wear your faction dobok outside of any OW-PvP-area, you are actually a freekill and I really don't get why you would ever want to wear them outside of these areas. (The reason you gave isn't pretty solid IMO).

I don't really know which other MMORPG's with extensive OW-PvP-content you played, but BnS is pretty ok'ish regarding gankability and possibilities to grief (except the skewed faction balance and pulling players off of towers maybe).

From my experience with OW-PvP-games (like Tera or Aion) it works as follows: Never expect mercy from anyone. If they want to kill you, they will kill you, even if it's only to ruin your day. Pay close attention to your surroundings, so you're able to take countermeasures (which is pretty easy in BnS, as you can always just use the escape-function). If you see an enemy and you know you're gonna lose, just leave.

Don't get me wrong, I really like fair duels, but OW-PvP isn't the place to do those and never was. Play carefully, watch your steps and foremost don't wear your faction armor for s**** and giggles.


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I get what you're saying but at the same time it's just so frustrating that doing dailies is that much of a griefing thing. Or that newer players who just get the faction gear end up getting ganked by a lvl 50. Honestly I don't remember the other OW game i played as it's been several years, granted it didn't have the option to turn it off but still it's super annoying when people gank you during dailies. I kinda get it if you're in town or far away from dailies but those dailies are too rewarding to pass up yet I start feeling like I have to pass them by because of people who kill others for shits and giggles. I mean it's not like I'm not looking around, there are times where I check extensively and still get suddenly killed from behind. I just kind of hoped some people may see this and realize that rather than just killing everything they should probably take a second and assess why the faction gear is on.


Btw maybe I'm prejudiced but it seems like the primary group responsible for this is crimson legion.

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