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Oathbreak vs Awakened Siren


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I wander: which one of this is better. Im especially intrested in KFM and Destroyer. I heard from many players that AS is stronger, but some said that Oath is stronger later and price to create is lower. so how it looks at EU server?

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They both reach the same point at the end, so its not too big of a worry. However, Oathbreaker is stupidly expensive on the later steps and it is (IMO) highly recommended you go the Siren path, as it requires lower tier items to breakthrough and upgrade in exchange for a tad bit more upgrading. In the long run, Oathbreaker is more expensive and tedious than Siren. Yes, Oathbreaker path has higher damage across the board when compared to the siren path, but its only by a couple 3-5 attack power.

TL:DR: Go Siren, Its cheaper and easier than Oath.

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