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Accidental Purchases

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I was planning on just spending 50$ on here to buy an outfit and other items, upon making thy purchase it told me it was complete so I waited for like 20 mins and kept checking back and it didn't come in yet. So I made another purchase cause I thought my credit card didn't go through and it said same thing. Than I waited approximately 1-2 hours and i decided to try to purchase using the lower cost ones separate and it still didn't work than about 1-2 hours later my n coins came in and i had around 9600 when I really just wanted 50$ worth. Is there anyway I can refund the other amount that was purchased due to the adversity of events.  ~Thanks


PS: I have purchased 50$ before and received my in-game currency right away, that's why when I did this today and made a purchase I thought something was wrong. Also I haven't spent any of the N coins that was purchased.

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