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Hi guys, i make this topic in order to share our relative experience in arena.

The model is simple:


My character: Blade Master

Rank: Platine 1905~ EU atm, always in the top 100 BM


Experience against each class:


-BM: Skill-ping decide

-BD: Pretty easy if i TRYHARD and waste 0 cc. 

-WL: didn"t find a lot in plat, no idea what are they doing, RIP 10% win

-Summoner: average summoner's = 75% not that hard, just don't make mistakes. Good summoner= AFK, i m going to make a coffee

-KFM: 50/50 who will make the 1st mistake

-FM: 98% winrate, only very skilled FM can win against me

-Sin: since the 50lvl patch, with their dmg buffs. If i don't play godly, i stand 0 chance, they can now 100-0 :o

-Destroyer: Yolo easy win, except some who use "blue buff" and play smartly.


And you guys, what's your BnS Arena experience?

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I play all classes. Everyone op lelelelelellelellelelellele...
I dont know what to say, I could count the counters of every class but whats the point lol. I love Arena. I love every class (except Sum, pretty boring tbh, Warlock is meh). I love playing all classes whenever I want. I dont care about level advantage. I just love this game. Its so great~
The only thing I want to get changed is the Rock Paper Scissor system the classes give us. But thats going to change soon, so nvm ^_^


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Destroyer win rate vs:


  • 30/70 vs. Kung Fu Master -- Large skill gap required for KFM to lose. A Destroyer can avoid the 100-0 with Persistence, but the Destroyer's terrible neutral game vs. the KFM's top neutral game mean you're just going to lose to equally-skilled players.
  • 35/65 vs. Assassin -- Poke and hide. They have to make 3 consecutive mistakes to take significant damage, and you can't spec Fury or you'll get mowed by incessant Turning Leaf. Really, just to have a shot, you have to psychic-iframe 25% of their Turning Leaf shots to keep from eating 70% from always-available Close Shave wombo.
  • 40/60 vs. Blade Dancer -- BD is one of the only classes for which I use Fury, since you need to 100-0 the only opportunity you get or you're hosed. End up playing an extended guessing game on his Phantom Grip and praying he fails to meter his focus and runs short. In any case, knowing that you have to take Fury against a melee tells you all you need to know about whether you're going to win a lot of these.
  • 50/50 vs. Warlock -- I don't see enough of these. The really good ones beat me. Most of them just let me evade the Thrall and then blow them apart. The new HM Hurricane is probably going to make this a 40/60 in favor of Destroyer since it's an escape from all the things Warlock uses to take down a Destroyer.
  • 50/50 vs. Blade Master -- These are now pretty even. Wise use of Persistence needed to win, can't Fury them in the face.
  • 60/40 vs. Force Master -- Also don't see enough of these. Maybe my rating is too conservative; I usually just wipe the floor with them. I lost one like two weeks ago. It's enough of an event that I remember the guy's name (Carzen).
  • 60/40 vs. Summoner -- Good summoners are frustrating. Most summoners just roll over and die after using their escape.
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13 hours ago, HUnewearl said:

Destroyer win rate vs:


  • 30/70 vs. Kung Fu Master -- Large skill gap required for KFM to lose. A Destroyer can avoid the 100-0 with Persistence, but the Destroyer's terrible neutral game vs. the KFM's top neutral game mean you're just going to lose to equally-skilled players.
  • 35/65 vs. Assassin -- Poke and hide. They have to make 3 consecutive mistakes to take significant damage, and you can't spec Fury or you'll get mowed by incessant Turning Leaf. Really, just to have a shot, you have to psychic-iframe 25% of their Turning Leaf shots to keep from eating 70% from always-available Close Shave wombo.
  • 40/60 vs. Blade Dancer -- BD is one of the only classes for which I use Fury, since you need to 100-0 the only opportunity you get or you're hosed. End up playing an extended guessing game on his Phantom Grip and praying he fails to meter his focus and runs short. In any case, knowing that you have to take Fury against a melee tells you all you need to know about whether you're going to win a lot of these.
  • 50/50 vs. Warlock -- I don't see enough of these. The really good ones beat me. Most of them just let me evade the Thrall and then blow them apart. The new HM Hurricane is probably going to make this a 40/60 in favor of Destroyer since it's an escape from all the things Warlock uses to take down a Destroyer.
  • 50/50 vs. Blade Master -- These are now pretty even. Wise use of Persistence needed to win, can't Fury them in the face.
  • 60/40 vs. Force Master -- Also don't see enough of these. Maybe my rating is too conservative; I usually just wipe the floor with them. I lost one like two weeks ago. It's enough of an event that I remember the guy's name (Carzen).
  • 60/40 vs. Summoner -- Good summoners are frustrating. Most summoners just roll over and die after using their escape.

I agree on that. Warlocks are supposed to be one of our counters too, so as time passes by, Warlocks will get more and more experienced and make Destroyers life even harder. 


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