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Okay, I have my blighted Razor maxed out and to continue it's evolution i need a razor from the darkglimpse, but i cannot find it anywhere on the map, but it does show up when looking for a party in the pillar. Am i missing something? I know i can go into the marketplace and buy one from another player, but i don't have that kind of currency saved up...

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Hit F8 (cross server dungeon lobby) and on the right side you'll see Darkglimpse on the list. If you've been questing (storyline and blue quest), you'll have activated a daily for Darkglimpse dungeon. The dragon dungeon finder is in that camp after you finish the associated storyline. If you are level 20, survey 9 awards a brilliant key - submit a support ticket so they give you it because it's bugged. You can use that key on the corrupted weapon chest to get the razor!

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