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Why PVP Just :So


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This not me morning or having a fit after i lost a few match this is just what i and a few friends most came with me from Tera (and others in game) found out palying PVP in B&S.

So here you go if your lvl 15 then PVP a joke you have 1 skill point they got max yeah not balanced as for your opponent,
 if it BM,KFM,BD or Sin then one miss click then get ready to look down on them coz you be in the air most the fight, as for destroyer apart from been most the bots we faced in PVP they stun grab spin stun grab spin yeah good win very skilled and before you ask no human player would still be trying to hit you if opponent was dead that how we knew, as for the other classes FM will try and slow you down Sum we use flower power with one mean paddy tat (bring cat nip to face) and WL lock you down and bomb you from afar while they minion b slaps you. So is PVP worth it just wait and see that bot coming at you or a KFM ready to give you a free flying lesson (i can see my house from up here).


So there you have it a kind of a moan and what we found after doing some PVP what do you think to PVP is it fun for you or do you just PVE?


Big thanks to the people who help try out PVP and gave me they feed back

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I play the game only for PvP, and well... If you lose against literally everyone, then I guess you just need to train? I made it to gold with every class under lvl 30. And it is balanced, even if the enemy is max level, you can mostly defeat them with skill in lower ranks. If you want to play against lower levels then you have to lose a lot. If you win, they will just get better and better.
Most people that cry on this forum are just unskilled. Dont let that get to you and train and research a lot. You can do it!


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Arena sucks right now. It's full of bots & hacks. Even without the bots & hacks, it's not very fair or balanced if you're not at level cap. When I was level 20, I was always put against level 45's. If they finally remove the bots & hacks, (they seem to have been fixing this problem for ages -_-) 

Anyway, try to do your arena dailies, you'll need zen beans for soulstones. :)

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Kinda hard to understand what you're saying without grammar. Are you saying only skill points count? Because the higher level you are, the more skill points you have & can use. Those are higher advantages compared to lower levels. No, I don't check stats. There's no point unless it's open world.


WildWabbit, spar with some friends of other classes, you'll learn more about their classes & learn ways & combos to beat them. ^^


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I do not understand those people. You are not even at max level and you dare complain that you lose in arena due to being matched to max level players? Nonsense. Just level up beforehand or else go in fully aware that you may be matched with max level players (or bots/hackers :p)

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