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Mushin Tower 7 - The nightmare.


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I am right in this second, as I am writing this, on floor 7 with Junghado. I have a question : since when is he RNG? I do him every single *cricket* day for the daily but today is his birthday or something cause he just keeps wrecking me. First off, he isn't respecting any patterns, he straight up spams certain skills, like the five point strike. He does all of his bullshit approach moves constantly, spammed his black dragon shitsword 3 times, and all I did was left-click him. 3. *cricket*ing. Times. WHAT THE *cricket*? 


So this sudden change of patterns occurs only when I play against him or what, cause everytime I look at a video he respects the *cricket* skill order and doesn't start mindlessly doing combo's outta nowhere. 

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I've had it happen where at certain points in the fight he'll do the same, spam away with seemingly whatever he wants. Not sure if it's a glitch or he's actually programmed to be able to do that at random. It's definitely a bit buggy in places, just one of those things I guess.

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I finally did it after like 20 tries, I felt like I was doing him for the first time with each *cricket*ing attempt. He either started with the five point strike chain, either with the roar of the dragon, either spammed his shoulder charge and lightning dash through me all the time... What in the name of jesus friggin christ is wrong with this game.

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Very very strange indeed,i was laughing at some point ,killed it so many times then he got completely nuts one day and simply could not kill him in that day ,he was doing some violent attacks and quite out of patterns moves like i never seen him before like that .Then again ,i kill him every day .Sometimes he gets outta his minds from boredness,alone in that tower -or maybe the rain bothers him ,who knows xD

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