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Cool story bro!


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     So to start off I play as a Lyn Blade Dancer.  I am not really good at this game and last season didn't make gold.  I won a match here and there but for the most part I lost 3 out of 4 matches most of the time.  Though not a awesome thing I found that arena helped me learn my class better then just PvE and over all it wasn't horrible.  I could manage victories over every class except summoner and against them I could not manage even a round victory. 


     Anyway jump to last night I am doing arena dailies for my Zen beans and I get matched to a summoner.  I have made gold at this point in which I blame the bots that don't attack and are basically a free win, but I did defeat a good number of human opponents too.  This is the first summoner since last season that I have been matched with.  I look and think to myself "Oh well, I might lose but I'll just go for it and if I lose then I lose. 


What happened:


     First round starts!  I use the the tactic of phantom grip and sleep toss the cat to get the summoner alone.  I then start attacking the summoner getting air combos and lighting strikes doing my best to keep the summoner away from the sleeping kitty.  To my surprise I am doing pretty good, but then I see the cat wake up and start charging at me.  "Ah crap!"  I said to myself.  I am below 50% health and think that I am finished.  Then I see it, my Dual Strike an AoE attack that pulls everything toward my character is ready to go!  I use it to stun the summoner and kitty. Then I start using my lighting attacks spamming it and flash step as fast as I could.  We are both going all out and the HP is falling fast.  Then I see it.... Victory!   "Holy crap!"  I couldn't believe it, I had around 100 HP left  and I just couldn't believe it.  But then the realization that I have to do that all over again hit me.  "Oh crap" I said to myself again.


     This was it though... I was going to win, I wanted it so bad.  To beat a summoner to me was the ultimate victory.  Cue battle music here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqOPiFJAeuA .  Round 2 starts!  I charge towards the summoner, and immediately activate Guardian Tempest.  The summoner hesitates to start attacking and I move in.  I again phantom grip the kitty and hurl the it to the other side of the arena.  The summoner starts trying to cc me but it's to late, I rush and knock him into the air.  Cool air combo and he lands with a mighty thud, but manages to avoid my initial lightning draw.  I rush toward him, he is backing up and pulls out the dandy lion.  It was close as I was just about to lightning strike him.  Once I see it gone I move in and begin wailing on him.  Attack after attack lands and his HP drops like a rock.  Five point strike and another air combo straight into a phantom grip with all the goodies that come with that.  I slam him into the ground and begin another series of attacks.  Cat wakes up and charges in knocks me down and pins me punching my face!  The summoner is just killing me at this point, my HP is dropping fast, then my tab cool down is done and I escape.


     It's desperate at this point, both of our HPs are low and the amount of my focus was low.  I SS back and throw my sword for some focus regain.  I dual strike pulling both towards me, but my knock up attack is still counting down.  "Damn" I thought, most of my attacks are on cool down.  So I do what any blade dancer does when scared.. I start spinning.  Then my lightning strike is ready, I use it and just as in the first round me and the summoner with kitty just start whaling on each other.   "Damn it damn it, come on just die already!!"  I yelled.  My hands shaking, heart pounding, screen darkened and bloody from low HP.  Then I see it,  "Won Duel!"  flashes across my screen!  "NO WAY NO WAY!!!"  I yell. I get up and run around my living room like a UFC fighter that just won a big match. I had less 200 HP I couldn't believe it! I was able to defeat a summoner in two rounds where before it was always lose lose lose!  I was still shaking, sweating and  was absolutely excited about the victory.  The aura of invincibility of the summoner has been banished from my mind!




    I know I will still come across summoners that will eat me alive, in fact I may never beat another summoner again, as it is when I face most human opponents.  However I won't stop just because I lose a lot, mostly because I need those Zen Beans!  This match just showed me though that I have improved, I have gotten better and most of all summoners can be defeated!  I felt so good about this I wanted to share with the community.   I hope you all enjoyed the story, I tried to keep it short and to the point while adding flavor.  I can tell you once I calmed down, took a sip of water and queued back up, this was how I felt when I started Round 1 against my next opponent....








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Enjoyed your humbleness throughout the read.


As a summoner, your strategy is a very valid one, and once you disable the cat, you´re at a huge advantage as long as the summoner doesn´t get the cat up immediately.

Most good summoners will have met this tactic and be much more careful about you disabling the cat and if it happens, they will move close to it, so you may wake it up unintentionally.


This is where the real pvp starts :D

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@FinJen Sky -  Thank you!  Glad you enjoyed :)


@Victorion -  That's the part I am kind of worried about.  The strategies I have seen or tried to do have been ones like: 

 -Kill kitty first then go for summoner.  I find I don't have enough HP to finish off summoner by then, if I even manage to kill the cat.

 -Go straight for summoner and ignore cat.   This has seemed hopeful as I can get summoner HP down but I end up dying as the cat + summoner CC really can own me.

 -CC Kitty and then go for summoner:  - Well this has been successful once! :)


                                  Other then these three strategies I am not sure what else can really be done.  The summoner I fought did try to get to his cat but I think he got disoriented by the air attacks and with phantom grip I would carry him far from the cat.   My clan leader is a summoner and has helped me in some spar matches to show me what summoner abilities look like which helped me when I did face this summoner.  I have created a summoner alt that I will level once I am done with my destroyer that I'm doing for the warlock event.  Hopefully I can win against summoners more frequently.  Right now I am pretty good against other blade dancers and blade masters.  KFM, FM, Warlocks and Sins really challenge the hell out of me.  Destroyers are tough but I can manage against them better then other classes and can afford to make more mistakes against them (not intentional), but not to many more.  That axe hurts! 

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