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Concerning EU Players and Time Zones


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Hello folks!

I am new to the forums, I have been playing Blade and Soul now since launch and have to say, I still enjoy it as much as I did the Korean one. Coming from playing B&S in Korea to seeing how it is being played out now, I have to admit NCsoft has done well for the amount of problems they have to deal with. 

In this post I would like to open it up for discussions on certain systems of the game and why they are implemented this way. Keep in mind I am no professional and not affiliated with NCsoft in any way. This is just my open idea discussion post. Also to note, this is directed more towards EU players due to certain problems we will be facing.

Probably the hottest topic right now: Where is my Temptation costume? I'll be honest, I was at first one of those people. It came to maintenance on the 10th and I sat there like a dog just waiting for that ding sound to hear! But low and behold, nothing. What did I do wrong? Did I not level fast enough? Did I accidentally do this wrong? No!!! I simply did not read the message correctly! Rewards are given out to players who reached 45 BEFORE the maintenance 6 PM PST the day after maintenance. (All Time Zones for 6 PM PSTWhat did that mean for me though? That meant that 6 PM PST for me is actually 2 AM two days after maintenance! So there is 'problem' that I would like to address to the general public! As EU players we have to adhere to the ever hard working DEVS who are REAL people with REAL lives, trying to centralize a standard within their system! It's not NCsoft's idea to implement different time zones and times across the world, so why are we complaining? Because we are a bunch of impatient fools! :)

Second hottest topic right now: Bots. Coming from B&S Korea, what the hell are you guys complaining about??? I remember following trains and trains of bots that never seemed to end. The amount of bots in the EU servers is nothing close to that of Korea. Bots are something that I just have lived with throughout this MMO, so for me it is not that big of an issue. Okay bots may be annoying in PvP but they are only abusing game mechanics that YOU could abuse too (If only you were just good enough...LOL).

Third hot topic right meow: Zoolander. Oh wait, wrong thread. Cross-Account Items and such. Man, for the MMO lovers who understand marketing and business, this one just seems like such a stupid question, but then again we have to adhere to the general public. Like any good game, it needs to make money to survive. NCsoft, apart from the thousands of dollars they make, they are simply making an income. Simple as that. There is no, "Well if items were account bound...etc", It's a simple fact of this is how B&S makes money within their F2P model! So you guys can push and shove the idea in their face for as long as you want, but until NCsoft decides, "Hey, we don't need to make so much money", that is not going to happen. I'm sorry.

Not so hot topic, but still hot: Unbalanced PvP. Again I laugh. What do people seriously expect from real world/open world PvP? If it was all fairies and flowers, where would the enjoyment of GETTING to that point lie? I agree, I get pretty upset when I get 5 v 1'd but then I remind myself, I can put anyone is the SAME situation if I put forth the effort into doing it. And hey, what if you did that everyday with the same people at the same time? Oh my! That's called a guild! And that's called a group! Wow! All of the sudden you are the one wrecking single players trying to do their dailies peacefully. It's a paradox in which people get so wrapped in they lash out on the forums. It's also a simple fix this one: GROUP UP BEFORE YOU DAILY. Well one might argue, "I can never find anyone to daily with." No, what you're saying is that you are SO impatient or lazy you can't put forth the effort to either wait for more people, or to put out in chat that you are looking for a group! People also tend to forget that there is a REQUEST TO JOIN GROUP option that allows you to do just as it says, request to join their group! So the next time you get angry that no one is inviting you, try to just invite yourself to the group, not everyone reads the chat, but I'm sure everyone pays attention to the system sounds! ;)

Anyways this is just a general post with general comments about certain systems. I hope that more people will add what they think and we can get this post more available to other EU players.

I just want to say, I suck at this game, but I have so much fun.

Thanks folks!


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1 minute ago, Vandian said:

I much disagree with this, to be honest. But I'm not here to debate with you. 

Hopefully the ones, like me, will get the costume soon. 

No please! I really want your opinions and arguments though :( You could change my mind as well!!! What parts do you disagree with?

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I just wana say that just because its worse on korea server than on your server, its not ok that we have to deal with bots. It ruins the game for most players, and when i go to do arena i wana vs real players, its insane the fact that i got to plat this pre season and only saw 2 legit players, just insane. And when it comes to tag i want the result of the match to be a reflection of how good or bad we were compared to the other team, and not about who had the most afk summoners in their teams.

About the time zone, it happens to more than just EU, if you type the time and time zone in google, it will tell you the date and time that is on your time zone, so its really not a big deal, i do that all the time.

Unbalance pvp in the way you are talking about its more about the unbalanced of faction numbers. I dont know what its like on your server but in mine its insane. Blue out numbers red to what it feels like 1 vs 20. I cant do the killing quest on the red side coz i get ganked by 16 blues. And i cant blame them, because when i go do them on the blue faction i cant do the quest either becuse reds are no where to be found. I know it sucks to block a faction so no more ppl can join because if you have frinds joining the game and you want them in your clan they need to be in the same faction, but at the same time, if you dont block it at all, people form the smaller faction will just switch to the bigger one. Which is what happens in my server, as soon as factions show "even" more and more reds go to blue.

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Where is the most important hot topic, the abysmal performance on certain systems with good hardware. 

Like 3FPS on Blackwyrm with an i5 at 3.6ghz + GTX970, I rather shove this in NCSofts face and have them finally do something about it, so we can get Brilliant Blackwym chests aswel. Shouldn't be too hard, better performance = more players = more $$$

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Just now, JustaGuest said:

So basically no rewards for today here in England, and here I was getting my hopes up... sigh~ exactly when do I get rewards here in the UK?

If you leveled a character to 45 before yesterday's maintenance, then you can expect your rewards tonight around 2 AM. Hope that helps!

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8 minutes ago, JustaGuest said:

2 Am.... 2 Am.... Well, I guess I'm waking up early tomorrow.

I apologize, it seems as though players are receiving their rewards now. It may take a bit, but if you do not receive your reward in the next few hours, then you are in line for March 23rd.

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Seems like i'm getting mine in march 23rd because i never got it, its already saturday. 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。and just so you know if I dont get it by then I will send a complaint. Alas blame the auto corrections on my phone if this does not make sense.

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