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Suggestion: A Way to Possibly Combat Arena Bots


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I don't know if this has been suggested before but how about they add a prompt when you first enter the arena lobby you have to enter a randomized 4 digit code with your mouse and you're given the prompt again when you queue up after four or five matches? They could use the same interface as the PIN number at login (so even the number placements are randomized) and kick you out of the arena lobby if you don't input the given code within 20-30 seconds.


I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but I'd personally rather have to input a code every so matches than have to deal with bots for the majority of the time. I play arena or, rather used to play arena to fight players, not bots.

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It would be a bit of an annoyance, but it's certainly the lesser of two evils. I can't see them ever getting rid of bots unless they add sort of counter measure (that actually works) or make the rewards have no gold value at all, which would suck. Admittedly Soulstones are heading toward that point anyway, unless you are of course botting for them 24/7.

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I'd love to have this in.

Though sad truth is NCSoft West is very VERY limited in what they are allowed to program differently from the eastern version and every single edit has to be accepted by NCsoft in asia. We've seen this with AION already, Linage as well. The biggest change we've got so far was different values on hp on lab. soulshield >.>

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