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Need Help with a good FM PVP Build, please!

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I am just really noobish at the whole pvp thing on my FM.  I have tried a Frost build but I am still having a rough time against real players.  If there are any FM's out there who have some good PVP builds you would be willing to share please post here.


Any good tips and advice are welcome!


thanks again!

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Dont worry all you need until Gold is LB+RB and Impact. But if you want a good build... Well you cant really go wrong a lot. 2 Points in Second Wind always, 3 Points in Frost Armor (Stage 2 or 3), Dragonchar 3 points into Daze and Knockback, Glacial Beam from uhhh, the Ice Dragon thingy, you know your 3, against Ranged classes 3 or 4 Points into Divine Veil, against Spin Classes Frost Tornado (Snowball), and against Block or Counter classes 4 Points into snowball middle path. The rest is not that core-ish, Ice Coil 3 points is always useful, and Ice Prison specced into Ice Sheath. I have Meteor Shower in my build too (from Flame Wall) and the instant cast Inferno. The rest is pretty much preference, as far as I can tell out of my head. Sometimes you want to spec Frost Palm into the 10 sec Chill.

I know, I know, what about Firestorm Knockup, what about Rising Blaze or what it is called. For noobs those skills are unnecessary because the full combo is extremly hard.


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