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make summoners playable

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15 hours ago, xtclikeafox said:

As i mentioned before, against destroyers you have escapes. Aagainst kfms you do not. Even if fully traited into counters/escapes...the stun locks make all of those, including skills and movement, unavailable. its not a matter of skill rotation, timing, or positioning. no part of the fight is in any way skill-based.

Alright alright, let me stop you right there. On your 2 button, you have a skill called "Backstep". This is a skill that can be used while knocked down / unconscious and sends you flying 10 meters backwards in stealth. If you put a single skill point into this, the very first point in its skill tree (tier 1), this skill can now also be used while stunned/dazed. This is commonly referred to as a CC-break, or "tab-escape" (because most classes have their escape skill on tab). The MOST important part of PvP in this game is to learn when to use your CC-break effectively. And in order to know when you should use it, you need to know how the other classes work and how their combos work.


In KFM's case, against summoners they usually run Searing Palm specced on the left side, meaning it can be used 4 times consecutively and gives a stacking crit buff and increased damage each time. When they use this on you or when they use Fighting Spirit (blue buff), is when you want to break and play defensively. If you do this correctly, they CANNOT 100-0 you under any circumstance. People tend to refer to KFM as a counter to summoner, but if the summoner learns to use their skills wisely, especially their escapes, this is no longer the case. Destroyer is (as far as I know) the only counter to summoner in the current patch.


B&S PvP main rules to git gud:

rule #1 - learn to use your escapes effectively

rule #2 - learn the other classes too, not just your own

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Reroll a Blade Master, get your gear to Pirate and and get HM5. Then come back here and have the audacity to even whisper about summoners being up.


We have 1 favorable match up, that we can still easily lose. At some point in your life you should feel the hopelessness of the BM who queues into a summoner. 

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