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Extreme Fps Issues after Warlock patch [repost from Bug report section]

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Putting this here in hopes of getting some player assistance on this too:


System Specs:

Ram: 8gb Corsair Ripjaw 1333mhz

Disk: 10k RPM 1tb

Processor: Intel core I5 3.33 mhz

Video card: Factory Overclocked Nvidia GTS 950 gt

and yes I clean the dust out on a weekly basis and don't use crappy stock cooling fans.


Side running programs:

Malwarebytes Antivirus (no change when disabled)

Skype (no changes when disabled)

Web browser (no changes when disabled)


Somehow ever since the most recent patches I've been getting under 30 fps unless I set all my settings as low as possible. This happens everywhere but the arena (which is the most optimized location in the game I get). But just for an idea for how low my framerate is heres some numbers in particular regions:


Naryu Labrynth: 20 fps, low settings + ctrl F, barely playable

4 daily dungeons: 20-30 FPS with complete screen lockups where there are large amounts of enemies like skittering tunnels and hall of ogong.

Misty woods: 15-20 dps, I have completely given up on blackwyrm or even doing dailies/pvping here

Hogshead hamlet: 10 fps, 20 with Ctrl-F

Mushins tower: 45 FPS, 20 fps vs mushin

Arena: 40-80 fps

Anything outside of moonwater, even with large numbers of players: 60+ (moonwater is the least optimized it seems)


Framerates in other games for comparrison:

Fallout 4, ultra settings + several visual mods: 40 - 70ish

Planetside 2 (notoriously badly optimized): 40-60, 30 in large battles

Battlefield 4:  solid 60 almost at all times

GTA IV: Medium-high settings: 40-60

Final Fantasy XIV: 60+, even in large raids on ultra settings.


Using this guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bladeandsoul/comments/42y25u/blade_and_soul_optimization_guide_needs/  helped get me a good 10 or so FPS to make the game playable in some placed again but this is still inexcusable.


Please halp </3 


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Faction dailies are impossible to do with that fps

hogshead and misty are pretty much "don't pass" zones lol.

Don't ask for help,especially via ticket,they will just ask for ur dxdiag and suggest to run as admin.

all we can do is to "hope" game will be better.

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