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Need some help as FM - Blade cancers that run away


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So I'm doing well in 1v1, can beat some blade cancer even though it counter FM hard however today I've got all my 7 losses from Blade cancer, more specific they just pop their immunity then dash in and air combo, then when I hit them with frost tornado and they can't spin they pop something else which makes them resist everything, then they run away until the immune cd is back up and rinse and repeat...


How do you beat these stupid morons that just run away constantly? you can't phantom grip them because they break it, you can't freeze them because they spin, you can't starve them of focus and keep chill on them because they seem to have 508750943048038403580483 iframes, what the *cricket* are you supposed to do? even BM is easier than them.


I've heard it's BDs that use a 3 iframe build? I've been asking plat / diamond fms how they've beaten them and they just said they haven't, they just lost and queued into something else instead.. they said there is no window to combo them or damage them at all so wtf am I supposed to do if I face 7 in one pvp session?

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if bd uses immune, use a dash (Q/E) and immediately a damage activated ice sheath.

if they're still immune by the last 2 second of your sheath, break out of it manually (or else you're in for more shit), use the other QE, ice sheath again (fight resist with resist).

use force grip as a mean to gain distance from them (since you know they'll break it, use it when your back is 7~8m from the wall, that way when they break it, you will be pushed to the wall thus not needing to waste an F/Tab to escape from knockdown.) 
^Note: make sure to QE or resist after that cause they will charge you right away.

count their spin and try to predict when they will throw their sword, save your stun/daze/resist for this, successfully cancelling this skill (by CC-ing them before it hit you or by ice sheath), they will not have more than 3 focus by now, they'll either spin or charge at this state, abuse your chance at this state (or more resist if you want)).

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12 minutes ago, Kanosaki said:

if bd uses immune, use a dash (Q/E) and immediately a damage activated ice sheath.

if they're still immune by the last 2 second of your sheath, break out of it manually (or else you're in for more shit), use the other QE, ice sheath again (fight resist with resist).

use force grip as a mean to gain distance from them (since you know they'll break it, use it when your back is 7~8m from the wall, that way when they break it, you will be pushed to the wall thus not needing to waste an F/Tab to escape from knockdown.) 
^Note: make sure to QE or resist after that cause they will charge you right away.

count their spin and try to predict when they will throw their sword, save your stun/daze/resist for this, successfully cancelling this skill (by CC-ing them before it hit you or by ice sheath), they will not have more than 3 focus by now, they'll either spin or charge at this state, abuse your chance at this state (or more resist if you want)).

I very rarely let them recover focus via the sword throw, the issue is finding a window, when they go immune I freeze myself, It's impossible to cc a BD as FM without using frost tornado but if I successfully hit them with it they just resist for X amount of seconds then run away, if I grip them they break it then run away again and if I chase them they will pop the immunity cd and rush me. 


It seems like a loss loss scenario, if I don't chase them they will get all their cds back and if i do they always end up rushing me until they aerial combo me to death, if I do manage to survive they just win on damage since i can't actually dmg them 90% of the time.


Frost tornado is our only source of a combo / cc on BD, if they can pop a resist skill for the whole duration what do I do then?

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