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People against Warlocks


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You said you got a main. You got money. Use it..

Viridian key is like 1.5 gold. And nobody actually runs the stupid Darkglimpse, buy it on the auction house. Problem solved. I know why i was 45 the day after it hit the servers. Because i dont waste time on stupid stuff that's annoying and easily avoidable lol.


In fact you dont need to farm anything until 45 pretty much. You can always buy the item on AH, buy the essences on AH or have a key for it. The only exception is blackram narrows and the content starting with Hujikar (fish boss thing).

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The hate train is real. It's okay to hate the class, but why hate the player?

If they are not happy about the balancing, they should direct it to the developers.


Anyways, there are ignorant people everywhere who want to blame their anger on everyone else.

Just know that you are better than them and ignore them from now on. I honestly can't be arsed with them.

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While a lot of you are suggesting to switch servers, my whole clan is in this particular server. All my friends. So I don't want to switch, but thank you for offers.
I just hope this Topic caught someone's eyes and will be taken into an account. The game is ruined for new players and in this pace, they will stop playing for good.

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