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Just why?


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What's the point of resetting the Win/lose ratio and the rank if it STILL is PREseason?


Except for harassing not-so-good pvp players by having them fight against gold player or higher ranks, I've seen no point to it.

Out of 9 matches since the reset, I've only won 1 match. Which means, In three days I could only complete the wn in 1vs1 only once (since obviously I only do 3 matches a day for the other daily because I don't waste my time losing 500 times a day).


I hope you answer me, NCsoft.

Since I asked NCsoft directly, I want to NOT get any pesky answers from other players.

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Noone gives a single remote flying cricket about you. Everyone knew ranks will be reset. What? You got gold and didn't pvp to get 30 soulstones? You thought that'd last? HAHAHAHAHA no. In F11 you have exact date of next rank reset. You get prizes every month. If it wasn't like that, how would you give out prizes?

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