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I need some tips because I really gave up...


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2 hours ago, HUnewearl said:


Another way of describing the problem is that in every matchup, the Destroyer is losing for 90% of the fight. Destroyers have to make up for that in chunks, and big ones at that.

Or it can be like that if you are watching Blade dancer against Destroyer :

If Destroyer using fury : Short term : Destroyer success rate is 50 to 50 % if both waste their escape

In long term : 20 to 80 %They will have more escapes and immunes to use while you stand useless without 1 escape or Red spin or fury or even Iframe in modern case(Due to long Cooldown)


If Destroyer using Persistence : Short term : 10% to 90% if both waste their escape include Persistence no way destroyer going to won this due the lack of damage while on other hand if a Blade dancer can just bladestorm and light stun damage free.

In long term : 30 to 70% that destroyer could won due to the constant control and damage but infact if escape of both was waste and Persistence was waste they still able to immune and put way higher damage on you giving them higher dps.


My point is that every class able to make a nice dps from 100-0 in a short term of damage but always that every class is provide with a way of escaping or to avoid attacks outside their main escape.

For eg : Blade dancer/Blade master/KFM (Q, E and SS Iframes, Block for Blade master and KFM, Escape from grabs, Immune and spin for Blade dancer,Evade 6 seconds and Frost trigger on attacks for KFM), Summoner/warlock(immune for 5 seconds, Cat to knockdown when caster under grab or daze/stun, Switch between summoner and caster for warlock, SS , Hide for summoner  , Protect from ranged attacks), Assassin(Spam hide, Lotus of escape which is almost spamable , Decoy, Many resist/immune skills that is offensive,SS),FM (1 more escape from daze/stun, SS , Frost/Fire switch gave them Iframe, Frost shield that heal, Frost trigger on attacks)

Now let's look at destroyer best Defensive mood (SS and C as their Iframe "Long CD for C and 12 second CD for SS ", Spin , Healing shield " Either it used for stun or to protect " Long CD anyway, Red spin "Consume tones of focus and long CD " , Persistence Escape from stun/daze only "Very long CD and if used mean destroyer can't burst 100-0 in short term ")


So if you look at the compare between class, You will see that Destroyer protect skills is very long CD and most of them will be used to do damage and cc chain the target "

I know some will say that Destroyer need long CD on his escape because fury able to 100-0 in a second anyone , Well I will tell them something " KFM can lead with 2 stuns lock over your head and 100-0 you" Blade dancer can lead with grab followed by blade storm "Yes counter get bugged from moving " then light stun lock you to death, same goes for all other classes


Then where is the balance again ?



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17 hours ago, Sokucu said:

Dude.Don't bother with arena if you are destroyer i'm serious.It's beating a dead horse.Some will say do this,do that ... going through that much stress only to be able to defeat some noob sins/bds ... why bother ? What if enemy is not noob ? Against an average sin or bd you have no chance to win no matter how pro you are on destroyer.


I only play pve destroyer because i really like it's play style.But for pvp i made an alt assassin and it's dam too easy.


For pvp it's best to play trolling classes sin,bd,sum as most people do.But i do recommend you asasin,you will be shocked seeing how easy and fun it is.

Welcome to the club, this is how it is for bm against all classes trolololo

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