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Problem Fighting Force Master (BD/LBM)


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Hi, Please help me, give me advise how to fight against FM's. It's one of those 3 classes, i never win a game.


Against FM' its most of the time just the same: after a few sec. im dead. It takes 10 secs, sometime also 20 secs, but i can't survive as long as against any other class. FM's just burst me down, no matter what i do.


And i think theres the problem. They just block ghalf of my abilities just by spamming there normal attacks. I ca'nt use 2 nor z and for all other abilties i have to be in melee range whats nearly impossible without the charges and perma-frost. air-combo also not usable because auf z-block. So he just has to cancel the chi-grip with his trinkets and what he also has and i just stay there looking at him and dying,


Are there some tricks, some special skill points?

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I am a summoner and assassin main.
Having hard time fighting with FM and assassin as a summoner. Eventually learned sin's moves since I also leveled one and was able to beat them now.
FMs = really hard for me. Spending all my iframes on his frost. When cat is frost it can't charge. When you are free of the frost he will freeze himself.
Currently, my low win rate is on FMs.

Others I can fairly handle.
I am on plat before reset

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It just comes down to watching your chill stacks and predicting when they'll go for the freeze or freezing yourself into their frost orbits and then unfreezing. Don't be too obvious with your grab. If you get close, use QE, KDs (really weak against those) and abuse the close range with your spin parry. You also have a 5 second immunity so you can use that to get rid of chill stacks if needed. You also have V which can be specced to pull or for immunity, of which former can be used to engage or chase and latter to avoid chill stacks. Spec into Z to break grips so they can't engage with that. Be careful with your chi and always leave some extra in case they try to focus starve you.


Basic stuff. Basically just be aware of CDs and chill stacks.

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A good FM can lock down BDs quite easily and kite.

Permaslow freeze locks out all distance closers.

Z only makes you immune for 5 seconds, then its on a long cooldown and freeze gets reapplied in 1 second.

A good FM doesnt attack BD when their spinning so they wont regen focus.

V skill has very short range and wont pull FMS in.

Fighting good FMs is a bad circle, trying to spin out of freeze, only to get refrozen 0.1 seconds later, get close and use your big hit skills only for them to freeze and heal up to 100%.

Its the worst class to fight for me together with Warlocks.

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Yes, it can be a tough battle. However, a few things. If you're letting the FM run so far you can't ever pull them or contact them, you should be able to parry pretty much all of their projectiles. If they hold back in hitting, you can have some idea when they'll try to reapply chills/go for a freeze. You don't just use Z to avoid chill stacks and then roll around for a few seconds.


Don't be predictable and fall into bad patterns.

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