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Why does gear matter


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Out or curiosity, why does gear matter in open world and not in arena?  It seems like an odd choice to implement balanced PvP in one area, and imbalanced in open world.  Imbalanced meaning gear advantages.  


Any insight to why this was path was taken?  I can't wrap my head around it.

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OWpvp, isn't being pushed for an Esport, while arena is.


Also if OW was "balanced" gear wise, then all mobs, dungeons, ect... would also have to be balanced and never get harder at all for anything, thus taking away the feeling of "progression" in the game. 

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I'm a little bummed changing the uniform doesn't change PvP stats to that balanced amount.  That was one thing I was thinking I could look forward too.


Ohh well, I guess it will never exist.


Incentive to OWpvp if back down to 2 of 10 on excitement scale... Pve :(

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