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Mushin's Tower Tips?


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I am a maxed leveled summoner with stage 6 siren staff, with necklace, ring, belt and earring maxed ready for the siren ones. I have currently cleared all of Mushin's Tower other than the last one. I managed to get the boss down to 69% (no joking) then died, went back in and tried 3 more times and still got destroyed. I have used taunt with my cat, avoided the aoe attacks and the other skills and combos he throws at me but I can never get past him...Any advice?

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You need better gear than what you have and you'll need whatever Naryu Lab Soul Shield pieces Summoner are suppose to have.


Also, a trick I found with them is to knock them down as much as possible, it seems to disrupt their flow and even disables their true vision for a little while sometimes so that they can't see you in stealth. 

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