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Possible idea of why some may have bad FPS


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So this is just a hypothetical idea of why we may have bad FPS because i am not too sure of wether it truly affects the performance, but when you are in bios and such is your DRAM frequency set to the correct amount? like do you have 1600 ram but DRAM is only 666(because apparently from reading this is the base set for 1337 ram) this only applies to DDR ram though cause DDR=double data rate


Again just a hypothetical idea in no way do i think it is the actual problem, i am no tech wiz :/

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the game runs on UE3 which is horrible for mmos. it also runs on direct x9... so basically this game  is only really using 2 of your cores lol its extremely selective. I only know a handful of cpu's that this game actually likes.. so many people with beast machines cant get more than 20fps if that on bw. its really depressing as amazing as bns is the only thing that rivals its fun factor is how garbage its designed / optimized..

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very good PC...runing all new games on max graphic whitout any problems...BnS = PC work and sound like i started car...BARELY working to thing be even worse mine frend who payed 470 euro his Graphic card with even better  PC then mine cannot even run it lol...so yeah something is wrong with this game 

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47 minutes ago, Negaimu said:

the game runs on UE3 which is horrible for mmos. it also runs on direct x9... so basically this game  is only really using 2 of your cores lol its extremely selective. I only know a handful of cpu's that this game actually likes.. so many people with beast machines cant get more than 20fps if that on bw. its really depressing as amazing as bns is the only thing that rivals its fun factor is how garbage its designed / optimized..

Any idea how many cores Black Desert uses?

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