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Keep crashing when going in a dungeon


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ok so you know  that main quest in everdusk you have to do but you also have a letter form hajoon? welp every time i try to enter  i get the loading screen and of course  ive see the lyn like at 30% but freezes then the game stops responding and a few minutes later i get this

https://gyazo.com/a986fd3c0bffbf241695dec62e002410 . ive try everything that the nsoft support did but it failed . dose anyone know how to fix this?

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Yeah this happens a lot for me and its irritating as *cricket*. The only solution I know of is to pretty much stand at the entrance to to dungeon inside the portal without actually going through it. Wait maybe 60 seconds then walk through it, it should have loaded up in that time and you should be able to walk through without hitting a loading screen. 

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