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market prices?


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How is it prices are so variable, its crazy, moonwater tears price jump by 20s in 1 day is not natural etc, i was monitoring market for months now, it's a first game i see which has such a crazy instability. Any ideas ? lol

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Supply and demand. Players are creating new characters today which means that they are not all on their mains. Which means less mats being farmed and less mats available for sale which in turn increases the overall price. Demand will still be high for those logging into their mains to craft before going back to their new lock.


Just wait until a rich player buys out all the Cinderlands Silicate/Pickaxes. Mains are past the need for it so the only ones actively farming nodes will be alts, and there are a metric ton of alts right now that will need all the Cinderlands stuff again very soon to progress their crafting.


9s ea? Hue, get ready for a surprise =)

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What I didn't expect was the demand for even low level gems to go up so much. Moonwater transformation stones seem to have gone down, though I suppose people aren't using them yet but still collecting them via crafting. Still Hardly with the cost to make them imo. Sometimes all of the decently priced stuff can be bought out though and noone actually buys the ridiculously market up items. I sometimes see lower ranked gems more expensive than higher quality equivalents.

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Yeah if I had to call it I'd say it'll look something like this:


Moontears up (less runners while leveling locks for now)

Moon trans down (for now there is less demand, but expect these to reach 7-10g ea once locks need them too... we have new dailies and new income so players will be spending more as they earn more, which will help drive up prices as well)

Cinderlands mats up (wayyyyy up comparatively, they are so low because nobody needs them at all but everyone will need them all over again very shortly, then of course they'll drop back off to worthless after a week or so)

lock breakthrough weapons up (given, but they are easy to find so demand will be high initially but not really worth the effort of an investment).


It'll be interesting to see how the currency exchange fares with the increased daily gold as well, I haven't made a full run of things yet but I can expect the ratio's to go lower than the base 1:70, likely closer to 1:60's by the time all is said and done.

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Damn i forgot there was a new patch today :d makes sense, well kinda.  i guess, ill have to do the same, get a new class :D. Still u gotta admit this game market is so unstable wow. I see prices go up and down every other day, but not by so much evidently.

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