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Name Lock timer


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Is there a different name lock timer if you've deleted a character multiple times?


I deleted my name placeholder for WL this morning and it deleted in 6 minutes with no issues. But when I deleted it a second time to tweak some things, my lv 3 warlock deleted in 6 minutes as usual but now the name says taken. I find it somewhat unlikely that the name was taken in those few seconds. If it was I'll be really sad since I've been holding it since release...but I'd like to check if there was a different timer for multiple deletes.

Ah nevermind. Looks like someone did sneak it in. :( so very sad

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I thought that patch day is yesterday and i deleted mine placeholder. Then i seen there is no warlock yet so i created any class very fast, it worked right after character was gone from slot. So somebody could have taken your name. Therefore I am waiting with my warlock 24 or 48 hours and make it 3am.

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