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HELP with Fraction D:


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Okay I'm in cerulean order, Im doing Running up a wall windwalk, I need to enter the fraction base camp in misty woods, so I go to cerulean order and everything kills me, Im like okayy I must be in the other fraction and it does the same thing.. So I asked my fraction if I need to wear the fraction costume and they said no. And they were saying "SPY" , "Hacker" and "Plz Report him" And something about maleware (???) Unsure what this means Can't be good... Just because I asked.. S:
I'm not a spy, not anything.

All I wanna know how not to die..

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 I presume your trying to get to your faction quartermaster to buy the item for the Wallrun quest.  If you are cerulean order  you need to go to the Blue camp, You do need to wear your faction costume,  but this also means players of the other faction could kill you, so get as close as you can to your base camp before equipping the costume and look around to see if it is quiet if not change channels.

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10 minutes ago, DyingStar said:

Oh my fraction Is wrong D:
(Y) Thanks : 3


 once you have the item, you can change your costume back, there is no need to keep it equipped, you should then see the quest hand in mark on your map near the northern quest camp, you have to climb up a rock and along a tree to get to the NPC 

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