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Hello HCsoft, can we get "Vote Kick" in CrossServer Party Please?


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It seems that you NCsoft folks are prioritizing new contents while there are so many issues that need to be addressed first.


I've just spent 20min re-queue  the big 4 dungeons because the majority of the cross-server party members refuse to feed the bots. I've even asked some people to just stay and finish the Plogging dailies instead of grudging over some bots.....but nobody wanted to stay. The funny thing is that, at one time, 3/6 people (including a bot >.>) wanted to stay and get the dailies over with, so we decided to recruit more people.....and bam! 3 more bots joined at the same time! woooot! BOT ORGY!!!!


Also, what's up with the ss exploits for ogong/ToE gates??? literally everyone in ogong dungeon wants to take the cheap shortcut while the legit people are forced to either AFK or take on the mobs divided as a group.


How long since the ss exploit was first discovered? Are there any confirmations on the bug fix? Why isn't there a Vote kick system implemented already? Why are you juicing new contents at such a pace? Why is a beautiful game such a pain to enjoy?


OMG....how I can feel the bots are eating away at BnS.....I wonder why people would do such a thing..... but I know that there will be a special place for them in hell.



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