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The matter of Maintenance


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I don't want to flame, because I'm patient kind of guy, but I'm aware this topic will be contoversial.


I want to ask NC, why you do maintenance for?


I played today before maintenance and game worked fine. Fine as always with skill desync/delays. Now after maintenance it lags and freezes on EU server. I see 40-50 FPS on screen but my eyes show me frames. I even thought I've got disconnected at some point when by screen froze for 10 seconds. Playing is not impossible, but really risky and uncomfortable.

I understand that current one was made to remove Valentines stuff, but why every single maintenance brakes game even further?

I used to play it in high settings at start, and now I'm forced to play in combat mode all time. But even that is not enough to fight lags/freezes etc.


I don't know if that sounds offensive, but you start to look like Nexon, which with every Wednesday's maintenance broke server stability (past tense since I don't play their games anymore) and got forced to many "emergency maintenances" which sometimes helped breaking some game mechanics elsewhere.


I would be glad to play on stable, laggless server with no PvP or PvE delays, but I guess I'm asking for too much. Regardless, would be nice if servers would get some letfover love from Valentines. Healthy server breeds more happy players.



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Maintenance is done regularly to refresh the servers. If they were to not ever do maintenance than the servers could become unstable and corrupt.


I can't comment about your situation, but I never had problems playing shortly after the end of maintenance. Maybe so many people are logging on at once that it creates this experience for you?

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1 minute ago, Eckogen said:

Maintenance is done regularly to refresh the servers. If they were to not ever do maintenance than the servers could become unstable and corrupt.


My question was rethorical but thx anyway.


You play on NA server. I've heard from other players that even from EU playing in NA is more stable than our servers.

I played 1st CBT in NA and that was as well best experience. After 2nd CBT things go downhill.

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