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3X vs 3RF?


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With the introduction of Destroyer bots that are insanely easy to lock down in the Arena, would 3X kill them faster than 3RF?  Or is losing that extra stun from Searing Palm going to cut down your up-time too much?  I'm also considering using this against Summoners as they are great burn targets.

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I've seen Shiro spec PVE X against summoners and plow them in her videos.


I just spec blue buff against the destroyer bots. They blow tab on the first triple kick stun and F roll on the first daze... so I just go for a triple kick, then knock them down and land comet strike as they get up. Blue buff while they roll, chase with C to start a 100-0 combo. The combo I use starts with a 2s CC (such as C daze) > 3RF X Z 3RF 3RF 3RF 3R V 3RF 3RF 3R RMB. 


They always die in that combo so I don't really see a need to use PVE X unless you just want to for kicks. 

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