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30 runs of Brightstone today. 12 with solo afkers. 2 with a pair. 4 runs with the 'whack up a fast moonstone bidding from 30s to 10g and if all goes wrong, quit and log instantly' type... and 1 with a leader stealing all the end boss loot complete with Merry Potters.


This game is full of lowlife scum and slime. I wish I could name and shame. I wish I could kick. I wish people would just quit fecking each other for bugger all.


So. Now I store all my dosh on an alt to not get accidentally caught out and leave any party with an afker present as a matter of course.


Great stuff.

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3 minutes ago, Zeykes said:

If it's any consolation, a fix for leaders being able to switch to master looter and steal all loot is currently being tested and will release with the next patch.


Source: Q/A during yesterday's official livestream.

Lot's of idiots wanting to ban Ogong exploiters but here's where the ban hammer really needs to come down and hard.

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41 minutes ago, Rockbridge said:

Lot's of idiots wanting to ban Ogong exploiters but here's where the ban hammer really needs to come down and hard.

They stated on the stream that they would go through game logs and appropriate punishment to those who have excessively exploited this bug.

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