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Red AoE markers need to be darker for boss fights


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Does anyone else have the issue of having trouble sometimes seeing the red aoe circles properly? to me they seem to be too light and almost blending into the floor due to the games lighting system being so darn bright, like on nightshade harbors last boss where he does all of those mini aoes around the floor several times in a row, I mainly just rely on my i-frames to escape it, but if by some chance it's on cooldown or if I wasn't close enough to be able to use one of them for what ever reason, then I just find it impossible to move onto a safe spot because the red AoE circles are too bright for me to see where exactly the circle ends at, makes for an incredibly frustrating experience.

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Yesssss, I def feel you on this.

This is literally how my markers look in game: http://imgur.com/wYt8eqM


meanwhile when I look at google images of boss fights I see this: http://images.mmosite.com/my/upload/05/5b/ef479e7b77c8abef6a8fee4ab763f121/theme/5ffa7b09cf5cc9704999b84266146b58565.jpg


If anyone knows a way to make them more visible, pls share qq

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