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What's Wrong With Arena Right Now?


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Can I just say, wtf is happening? I went to do my arenas, did my 3's no problem aside from one team *cricket*ing us up. Then I decided to get my 1's dailies done. This is where the weird shit started happening.


First off, All I get is destroyers. I'm not saying the class is op or anything, but come on match making give me some variety. Secondly, 1's is either lagging, or I'm going up against a bunch of hacks/glitches.


'Perfect' ping in terms of being able to iFr most if not all abilities, can ani cancel no problem and so on for ping intensive skills. Yet for SOME reason, EVERY destroyer I've gone up against is using their tab escape on EVERY knockdown I use on them. I spec into Shadow Slash KD. Swiftstep KD, Time Bomb Daze, Decoy Daze, Ice Mine, Spinal Tap Stun and my other Swiftstep's Blinding Daze/Stun.


As far as I know, Destroyers are raped for escapes as it is, so how is it, with all that CC I'm specced into, they manage to tab out every single one? On top of that, THEY ARE TABBING MY ICE TRAP. For anyone who doesn't know, YOU ARE REMOVED from combat for 8 seconds. Unless you resist/evade/iFr you CANNOT escape this ability, yet somehow, I've done nothing but go against Destroyers that tab out of it. What I want to know is HOW. I've lost 50 points of rank to this nonsense now, and I've had it.


The only times I know that a destroyer can resist is during their spin, with the exception of KD, or if they have their resist buff up while spinning or otherwise. Other than that, they HAVE to use their limited iFr abilities, (if they even have one) and even to that point, I know for a fact they don't have enough to deal with the CC of an assassin with a proper spec. You might say, well maybe they are countering with an ability of their own as your animation is going off, where my rebuttal is that would only work IF they had resist/evade up. Even in that scenario, lets say for example I swiftstep stun/daze them but they resist that, I would be in stealth behind them, so they would need to have perfect timing in turning around and jumping in my direction before I manage backstep or use an iFr of my own. But in that case that doesn't even happen because the skill doesn't even put me in stealth because idk why. That's another issue I won't even go into.



TLDR: Destroyers are tabbing infinitely, resisting without spinning/buff uptime/iFr, and kicking me out of stealth 10m+ away. This black magix needs explaining and it needs explaining now.

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Hm i dont think u mean tab i think u mean theyre spin which imo is completely broken. Their spin and Tab look basically the exact same except i think the tab has less spins. Unless ofc u mean tab as in their spin which in that case yea im with you its bs, also their spin parrys for first .5s so. The lag is another issue in which NC needs to fix asap if they plan on making BnS an Esport 

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4 minutes ago, dmoe33 said:

Hm i dont think u mean tab i think u mean theyre spin which imo is completely broken. Their spin and Tab look basically the exact same except i think the tab has less spins. Unless ofc u mean tab as in their spin which in that case yea im with you its bs, also their spin parrys for first .5s so. The lag is another issue in which NC needs to fix asap if they plan on making BnS an Esport 

Well I don't play a Destroyer so I'm not sure what skills they have. 


For clarification, I could be on one side of the arena, the destro on the other. The destro will jump to me, I decoy within the .5 limit to daze them, they resist. To my knowledge, that's not possible to do unless they are tab spinning. Once I do that, I would activate my Ice Trap, but nothing happens, which doesn't make sense since they won't be spinning just running at me again.


Edit: Whether I land the daze or not, the trap should still activate on them regardless of their spin, unless it's within .5 seconds as you state, but would require perfect ping to do since I'm activating it immediately. 

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8 minutes ago, Anjiru said:

Well I don't play a Destroyer so I'm not sure what skills they have. 


For clarification, I could be on one side of the arena, the destro on the other. The destro will jump to me, I decoy within the .5 limit to daze them, they resist. To my knowledge, that's not possible to do unless they are tab spinning. Once I do that, I would activate my Ice Trap, but nothing happens, which doesn't make sense since they won't be spinning just running at me again.


Edit: Whether I land the daze or not, the trap should still activate on them regardless of their spin, unless it's within .5 seconds as you state, but would require perfect ping to do since I'm activating it immediately. 

Well what rank u playing in? if its silver then i dont think its the timing if its like plat or diamond then yea they could have the timing of things like this down. I dont play a des either but i know a few skills here and there, i think they have a skill that makes em resist stuns/knockdows/dazes im no des so idk or it could just be due to the lag messing up the .5 window or i think that jump skill has a resistance attached to it. I have noticed a few times when i hit a des they do resist which idk y maybe a des could come and clarify?

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1 minute ago, dmoe33 said:

Well what rank u playing in? if its silver then i dont think its the timing if its like plat or diamond then yea they could have the timing of things like this down. I dont play a des either but i know a few skills here and there, i think they have a skill that makes em resist stuns/knockdows/dazes im no des so idk or it could just be due to the lag messing up the .5 window or i think that jump skill has a resistance attached to it. I have noticed a few times when i hit a des they do resist which idk y maybe a des could come and clarify?

Having a destroyer clarify what's going on would be nice. This is only Gold level play, so it's the learning curve between timing and skill. If I was higher in rank I would look further into the timing but from what I'm experiencing my timing couldn't be any better.

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4 minutes ago, bomberman said:

also faced destroyer can KEEP FACING YOU (rotating the body ) while trapped in ICE, this hack/bot totally ruined assassin stealth opener in arena . This sh1t need to be fixed and ban the cheater scums asap

Ermmm are you talking about spin? cause thats not a hack or anything thats one of their skills which i think needs to be toned down a lot along with BDs So unless ur talking about the fly and speed hacks which aRE hacks then no one need to be banned lol

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10 minutes ago, dmoe33 said:

Ermmm are you talking about spin? cause thats not a hack or anything thats one of their skills which i think needs to be toned down a lot along with BDs So unless ur talking about the fly and speed hacks which aRE hacks then no one need to be banned lol

I think he's referring to the fact that some classes that have spin abilities continue to rotate while in an ice trap.

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those destroyers are bots no doubt about it. when i'm cloaked they simply walk towards me where ever i go. i also noticed that when i web them on the floor they magically turn to me while still webbed on the floor and i can't shadow dash to them.

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17 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

those destroyers are bots no doubt about it. when i'm cloaked they simply walk towards me where ever i go. i also noticed that when i web them on the floor they magically turn to me while still webbed on the floor and i can't shadow dash to them.

Well in stealth ur not 100% invisible also do u mean cheating? cause i dont see why a bot would go to arena.  Turning to you as in their character faces you on the ground sounds sketchy that to me sounds like hax unless its some weird lag 

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2 minutes ago, dmoe33 said:

Well in stealth ur not 100% invisible also do u mean cheating? cause i dont see why a bot would go to arena.  Turning to you as in their character faces you on the ground sounds sketchy that to me sounds like hax unless its some weird lag 

If you're webbed on the ground correctly, it functions the same as the air web. You are not able to turn whatsoever, the only difference is the ground web is reliant on an iFramed cast that applies air restrictions to the ground. This is a hard thing to pull off if you do have lag, but if you do pull it off the target shouldn't be able to move or turn, similarly to FM snare.

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5 minutes ago, Anjiru said:

If you're webbed on the ground correctly, it functions the same as the air web. You are not able to turn whatsoever, the only difference is the ground web is reliant on an iFramed cast that applies air restrictions to the ground. This is a hard thing to pull off if you do have lag, but if you do pull it off the target shouldn't be able to move or turn, similarly to FM snare.

Im familier with the ground web ive been put in it multiple times which is why i say it sound like hax

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44 minutes ago, dmoe33 said:

Im familier with the ground web ive been put in it multiple times which is why i say it sound like hax


i don't think it's a hack. it's bots that have the ability to bypass the restriction of being cc'd. it's not only when i web them on the floor this happens. only if people can detect the surreptitious and subtle bot protocol movement then everyone would be complaining

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AS a fellow sin trying to do arena right now, I am definitely upset with the state of the destroyer bots rn. 


I can confirm the bots target you regardless if frozen in place, webbed, stealthed etc. If you enter stealth with Q, they instatly AoE knock you out of it and start ani canceling. In addition, when webbed, frozen, dazed, stunned the destroyer bot will track you by rotating in place while stuck in place. This is impossible. There is no way for you to rotate your face towards a player when webbed or frozen. No, they are not simply moving their camera, the entire character is moving. 


They always start the duel by rushing you > then resist buff. They pick you up often, but don't capitalize on anything, they just hold you there. Embarrassingly, I've only been able to beat 60% of the bots I've been going against. (How TF am i losing to bots. I suck ass I guess). I'd fight summoners every match to rid the fact i'm losing to a cheating program. 



QUOTED: "Well in stealth ur not 100% invisible also do u mean cheating? cause i dont see why a bot would go to arena.  Turning to you as in their character faces you on the ground sounds sketchy that to me sounds like hax unless its some weird lag" 


The bots are 'tracking' the stealthed target. Every movement you make, the bot follows suit. If I walk around him, he follows me to the degree of me not being able to see his side or back. Ever...

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20 minutes ago, iDakota said:

AS a fellow sin trying to do arena right now, I am definitely upset with the state of the destroyer bots rn. 


I can confirm the bots target you regardless if frozen in place, webbed, stealthed etc. If you enter stealth with Q, they instatly AoE knock you out of it and start ani canceling. In addition, when webbed, frozen, dazed, stunned the destroyer bot will track you by rotating in place while stuck in place. This is impossible. There is no way for you to rotate your face towards a player when webbed or frozen. No, they are not simply moving their camera, the entire character is moving. 


They always start the duel by rushing you > then resist buff. They pick you up often, but don't capitalize on anything, they just hold you there. Embarrassingly, I've only been able to beat 60% of the bots I've been going against. (How TF am i losing to bots. I suck ass I guess). I'd fight summoners every match to rid the fact i'm losing to a cheating program. 



QUOTED: "Well in stealth ur not 100% invisible also do u mean cheating? cause i dont see why a bot would go to arena.  Turning to you as in their character faces you on the ground sounds sketchy that to me sounds like hax unless its some weird lag" 


The bots are 'tracking' the stealthed target. Every movement you make, the bot follows suit. If I walk around him, he follows me to the degree of me not being able to see his side or back. Ever...

Before anyone dissects the "visibility" of being in stealth. yes you can still see us, that however doesn't mean you can be fixated on us, even through CC. 

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5 minutes ago, Anjiru said:

Before anyone dissects the "visibility" of being in stealth. yes you can still see us, that however doesn't mean you can be fixated on us, even through CC. 

I dont get the whole thing about bots in arena how do you know their bots? what purpose do the bots have cause im prt sure making a bot for pvp is ridiculously difficult for it to win, does someone have a vid of one? im really curious. Also u yes u can still see  sins in stealth how do you not know there legit players? other then the weird CC immune when theyre not spinning or using a skill these can all be acts of legit players

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1 minute ago, dmoe33 said:

I dont get the whole thing about bots in arena how do you know their bots? what purpose do the bots have cause im prt sure making a bot for pvp is ridiculously difficult for it to win, does someone have a vid of one? im really curious. Also u yes u can still see  sins in stealth how do you not know there legit players? other then the weird CC immune when theyre not spinning or using a skill these can all be acts of legit players

Did you even read my post before quoting me? Yes, you can see a sin in stealth.


But that doesn't mean that if I use my flower while in stealth that a player is going to 100% know I activated it right away unless it is in vision of that player already, which if that's the case I shouldn't have flowered to begin with.


As you would expect, using sin flower in stealth, where the flower is in a position out of sight of a player, unless they made a note to where that flower is, the time for A PLAYER'S brain to register the fact that I used flower, to then react and turn to said flower, and then start following me again, is far too great for EVERY destroyer to do. Granted, it IS possible, but unlikely at any tier lower than platinum. 


The fact that a bot can go from looking directly at me, for me to use flower and lets say end up Southwest of his vision, but he is still looking at me, means that he's botting. It's inhuman to think that all players have the capability to react that quickly. 

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1 minute ago, Anjiru said:

Did you even read my post before quoting me? Yes, you can see a sin in stealth.


But that doesn't mean that if I use my flower while in stealth that a player is going to 100% know I activated it right away unless it is in vision of that player already, which if that's the case I shouldn't have flowered to begin with.


As you would expect, using sin flower in stealth, where the flower is in a position out of sight of a player, unless they made a note to where that flower is, the time for A PLAYER'S brain to register the fact that I used flower, to then react and turn to said flower, and then start following me again, is far too great for EVERY destroyer to do. Granted, it IS possible, but unlikely at any tier lower than platinum. 


The fact that a bot can go from looking directly at me, for me to use flower and lets say end up Southwest of his vision, but he is still looking at me, means that he's botting. It's inhuman to think that all players have the capability to react that quickly. 

Ok no need to get upset i obviously read it considering i quoted you. As i said give me a vid so i can see the shenanigans cause ur not being clear enough for me to understand as i dont know much about sin, based on what youve told me the things ur explaining other then the weird CC immune can be completely legit hard to pull off? yes but can be legit yes. Ive only really heard of ppl using things like fly hacks or speed hacks in arena but ive never heard of bots so i dont know what the acts of them are  

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My computer isn't good enough otherwise I'd post a video. I've explained how we work in a pretty transparent way, and how we are being affected. If someone else can do a video then great, but I can't provide much more than I already have without repeating myself.

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For an explanation of what destroyers can do, starting with the jump, it can be made to resist cc, BUT then it only does dmg it doesn't stun you anymore. The tab spin, like BD's, is resistant to knockback, stun, and daze, and if specced can parry for .5s, but the parry will not resist freeze. The Q spin, Typhoon, or firespin as most call it, gives you an iframe at the very start for about 1 second, then makes you immune to all CC besides freeze. Destroyers have 4 default iframes, and one longer one if specced properly. Firespin for 1s at the start, backstep, their C move, Searing strike which has them step forward and sort of spin their axe around them once at an angle for about a second and a half with unlimited iframes, then their E, Fury/Persistence. Persistence can have up to 5 iframes for 5 seconds (Blue aura but it also has a version that increases defense but has the same iframe as fury) and Fury, Red aura that gives 100% Crit but reduces defense by 100% (0 defense UNLESS they use the tab that gives defense or the firestomp that gives defense.) has an iframe as it is cast, for around .5 seconds. The only breakout Destroyers have is their tab, which has a 36 second cooldown, and their e, but only Persistance, and only for CC up to stuns, not phantom grip/Grab/freeze. They CANNOT break free of freeze in any way and no spin negates it, only their iframes. Unless they use blue aura to break out of a stun, they should only be spinning out of it once ever 36 seconds. If you have anything else to ask about destroyers just ask, I know pretty much everything about them since I main it.

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Ok so i randomly decided to do arena today idk y dont ask and i completely forgot about this and kept getting paired up with destroyers as a FM im like "oh great here comes a GG" but then i started to notice the CC turn then i remembered. These bots are terrible like insanely terrible i beat em so easily and i suck at pvp like literally they dont get me down past 95% and i 2-0 them and remember im terrible at pvp honestly with how they work its almost a guaranteed win if u cant beat em then u got bigger problems lol. Only reason why i dont like em is cause 1. no real sense of accomplishment from beating em 2. kinda gives me a false sense of skill lol was happy i was winning finally but realized it was bots but meh free zen beans for me

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16 hours ago, bomberman said:

also faced destroyer can KEEP FACING YOU (rotating the body ) while trapped in ICE, this hack/bot totally ruined assassin stealth opener in arena . This sh1t need to be fixed and ban the cheater scums asap

this is one of the reasons i came here. its not just destroyers and its not just ice mine, i have played some games on my sin and found that they keep facing me even when i force ss to try and get behind them while in ice mine or web on the florr; and they just keep turning towards me. At first i thought it was a camera thing that happens if i mess up the timing, but it kept happening over and over and i decided to come make a thread on it to get some red replies and see whats really going on.... turns out a bunch of ppl have been having this happen to them in arena mainly assassins as i havent see or heard anyone other class going through such probs.


The other thing to note is that destroyers specifically are hitting me out of stealth as soon as i enter when behind them. Now i know most ppl can pull u out of stealth with some skills or another depending on positioning and scope. However these destroyers arent using any skill to my knowledge.... they simply turn towards me even when i am 7 or 8 meters away and hit me out of it.... they dont spin or anything, they physically turn 90-180 degrees and hit me out of stealth then walk up towards me. while on that note they even follow me around in stealth if i use an iFrame upon entering or i have the 99% evade buff on so i dont get pulled out by their gimmick. I also do know that its possible to follow the slightly visible shadow running around on screen if u get a glimpse of it... but these guys are perpetually following u around just walking up to u and doing nothing even if u stand there.... they dont spin or anything... they just walk up to u while ur in stealth.


Can a red or green plz reply and tell us whats really going on here? this is really ruining arena for us and its just plain not fair.

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14 hours ago, dmoe33 said:

Ok no need to get upset i obviously read it considering i quoted you. As i said give me a vid so i can see the shenanigans cause ur not being clear enough for me to understand as i dont know much about sin, based on what youve told me the things ur explaining other then the weird CC immune can be completely legit hard to pull off? yes but can be legit yes. Ive only really heard of ppl using things like fly hacks or speed hacks in arena but ive never heard of bots so i dont know what the acts of them are  

yo dude ur being annoying... anyone would be upset..... u havent quoted me yet and am already *cricket*ing upset. if u doubt the abilities and scope of the assassin class go make one urself and see instead of being here trying to be a smartass for no reason..... these things are happening and something needs to be done. now please stop acting retarded and rebutting everything that everyone here has to say. just please we donnt need ur smartassry, what we neeed is someone on the forum or team to tell us whats going on and whats being done to deal with it. thank you for butting out. 

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