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Tier list of classes right now and at 50?


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here is what i think (my opinion)


summoner top


Destroyer/KFM/SIN/BD second


FM fourth 


BM last


I"m a BM and that is how i feel simply because BM damage compare to others is sht. Also every other class can heal quite a lot of hp compare to BM. Mind you this heal (other than summoner) isnt that big of a deal at higher rank since most people can combo huge damage to make it near useless but at lower rating this sucks ass.

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1. Needs major nerfs - Class that has a good toolset to counter me

2. Needs some nerfs - Class that is pretty even with me

3. Needs nothing, really balanced - Class that I have a good toolset to counter

4. Needs major buffs - The class I play



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