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PVP skill tree


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You get 1750, with your own talents? Don't make me laugh.


If you had "talent" you wouldn't be asking for builds, when you should have the understanding/knowledge to change your skills on the fly, depending on what you're up against.


I've done the arena and got up to the near 1800 elo, without any effort involved. I just join a game and spam my skills, dodge, spam, dodge, spam, dodge and oh look a win.


But there are no real different trees for a Summoner, as we are extremely limited in regards to what we can do ... hense the easiest class in the game :P

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@DoowieEU a**holes & useless commentators weekly meeting is this way (there's an X in your top right corner, click it)

@Happycka There aren't really alot of changes you could do, like this classic stereotype of an arse pointed out. But you can adjust depending on your opponent or if you're doing 1v1 or 3v3.

In 1v1 you can use rumblebees instead of sunflower, surprise gift for melee classes (most of them will just come rushing towards you, wait them with the bomb and be read to press 4). Against ranged classes just rush in and activate your petal storm then bind them with 1. From this point on you can let all the pink flowerish hell run loose.

In 3v3 and in the situation where there's sum vs sum, use your sunflower...these would be the mini tweaks i do before a match. Probably there are more but I'm kind of lazy to remember.

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