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How to FM as a SMN?


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As a SMN, FM (~1700) is the one matchup that I find myself somewhat consistently beaten by. My usual tactic is to charge in, pedal storm slightly before they're in range and then try and get a root or a cat knockdown after a second or two if I see they've thrown up any defenses, maybe toss a sunflower or two in their direction.


This usually works well enough for the 10 seconds or so of pedal storm I have, then I'm hit by a rapid fire 3 shot homing ice thing that pretty much puts me out of me commission and that's game.


So folks, how do I get good vs. FM?

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1 minute ago, Lurkios said:

As a SMN, FM (~1700) is the one matchup that I find myself somewhat consistently beaten by. My usual tactic is to charge in, pedal storm slightly before they're in range and then try and get a root or a cat knockdown after a second or two if I see they've thrown up any defenses, maybe toss a sunflower or two in their direction.


This usually works well enough for the 10 seconds or so of pedal storm I have, then I'm hit by a rapid fire 3 shot homing ice thing that pretty much puts me out of me commission and that's game.


So folks, how do I get good vs. FM?

Playing FM, so I'll tell you parts that are super annoying and obnoxious when you do on summoner:

1. Petal storm, obviously. I'll try to phantom grip and push you out of it, or at least harass with some AoE, and some summoners would abandon the storm completely. The more annoying ones run straight back in.

2. That other skill that resists status/damage, looking like a small column of light around you. I have no idea what that is, but I hate it.

3. Cat crouch/invincibility. I'd often try to nuke down the cat ASAP, and if as a summoner you quickly put it to sleep, that makes me change plans and attack you instead, and you should have a counter or some CC ready. 

4. Cat facesitting on low cooldown. (I'm not sure if it's specced that way or if I just escape poorly). Second wind cooldown is 36 seconds, and the facesitting cooldown seems about half that.

5. Wittling down my root escapes to the point when I'm stuck in a huge movement slow and can't move.

6. Healing like cockroach on drugs. I mean, holy crap. I just got 50% of your HP down and you're 100% again. How do you even do that?

7. Throwing all their stuff on me while I'm in Divine Veil, not regarding the fact that it's not working! (C) every blackram guy

8. Popping their sunflower megalaser while I have tab escape and lying under the cat. I don't really know summoner skills but that thing seems to have a cooldown.



Things that summoners do that make me happy:

1. Not put their cat to crouch as I nuke it. Easiest game of my life.

2. Running away and not using petal storm, trying to resummon the cat. It worked a few times, but generally I manage to catch up before that happens and deal some more damage.

3. Running away and easily getting baited for a counter pop. If you don't have tab escape and just popped a counter outside of petal storm, you're not likely to survive for long.

4. Popping Counter out of panic while frozen and I'm standing behind your back. Expected and denied.

5. Concentrate on their cat so much they don't notice when I'm actually shooting them down and not popping roll/tab when needed.

6. Concentrate on themselves or nuking me so much they don't notice that I'm killing their cat.


That should be about it.



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