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What is this 3rf for KFM that I keep seeing?


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Seeing as I play KFM, I'm curious as to what this 3rf combo or whatever is that I keep seeing people complain about/mention. I'm not sure if it's something I'm unaware of, or just the name for something I've already figured out. If someone would mind enlightening me, thanks!

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This is a forum. If you don't have the answer for the question, don't be a jerk and say shit like google this or google that. Don't bother if you don't want to help out. 


3RF is an ani-cancel combo where you press 3 - LeftClick - F in succession.

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5 minutes ago, Slics said:

This is a forum. If you don't have the answer for the question, don't be a jerk and say shit like google this or google that. Don't bother if you don't want to help out. 


3RF is an ani-cancel combo where you press 3 - LeftClick - F in succession.


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Its 3 buttons of your keyboard.


Press them (Only works on stunned enemies) And you also need to have shin kick and cyclone kick non cooldown versions.


For me personally I recommend not using left click. It seems less stable and harder to get in rhythm with.


(This way you only use 1 or 2 fingers anyways so you can't really mess it up >_>)

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