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 To start off with try get the SS from E-Fleet 24 man, the bosses random drop these, both Blue and Purple quality or thats what I did, I used a full 8 Piece set to get through Mushin tower and eventually had most pieces from there, but I did not use them all, i only used the ones with High Crit stats or defence, the idea being to max my main stats  I also infused these with the Green Elite Crit shields which drop random from most mobs in E-Fleet 24 man, there cheap to infuse and you get around 50+ extra crit from each one, ideally using pieces #8 and #7,


Then as I started running BSH 24 i was getting quite a few of the Bloodshade SS so if they were better using those too, I am now running with 3 piece Bloodshade, all the ones with High Crit and this gives me the 3 set bonus of 70 accuracy, and 5 piece set from Mushin tower, again all the ones with either high Crit or High defence with Crit, this also gives a 5 set bonus of extra Defence.

For Arena I am currently running full mushin as in arena your stats are 'equalised' but the full Mushin set gives high HP.


So in answer yes mix and match mainly for crit and also the 3 or 5 set bonus which ever you need or is the most use to you

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7 hours ago, Elvenmad said:


 For Arena I am currently running full mushin as in arena your stats are 'equalised' but the full Mushin set gives high HP.




I was under the impression that ALL stats, including HP, were equalized across the board regardless of level/equipment.


Am I mistaken?


I run a mixed set, hp somewhere around 35k, when I go into arenas I have around 42khp..

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