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Need Region Lock(This why Arena seems so bad)


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Go spar someone from the same country as you.


NA sparring NA player, there is no arena lag.


Notice when you fight some scrub EU or Korean *cricket* on our servers that you can't air combo them and half your skills don't work properly, despite the fact that your not lagging.


PLX, kick out these people. They have their on version, and they are ruining our arena experience.


I'm assuming its worse for EU players because most of the scrubby Asians probably went there since they ping slightly better.


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There are separate NA and EU datacenters. You can view the server IPs and whois them all yourself. This game is not based on P2P connections. All matches are hosted by NCsoft's servers. NA servers are located in Austin, Texas. You can view latency to NA datacenter quite easily. I ping in the ~50 range to that datacenter, except while connected to the arena server, where it leaps up to between 250 and 400. This is very much an issue with NCSoft's configuration.


Sparring is something I have not tested for latency. It could be held on a separate server, which might improve latency.

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