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Will draw for outfit?


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Umm Hello ^.^ i saw the White Sandraider outfit just got put into the store and i want to get it for my assassin boy, but i have no money lol so i was wondering if anyone could get it for me in exchange for a drawing of your character? (i hope that sounds reasonable..omg) i wasn't sure whether or not to post this here...but i wanted to give it a shot;;;

i could draw you something like this


or maybe a chibi... 


I can draw pretty much anything (but not Pronz lmao), just let me know if you have any specifics like pose, expression, etc..

Here's my art tumblr just in case: http://vrappom.tumblr.com/

Also my in-game name is Chial on Mushin server

Thank you for reading ^^;;

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