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Has anyone noticed the lack of variety in arena these days?


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I've tried to keep my mouth shut about this, I really have, but tonight I decided to keep a tally. I played 20 arena matches tonight and never matched with the same guy. Literally 18 out of 20 were either BD or Summoner. I'm a 1820 rated Sin, and while I can handle BD (I beat every one of them, in fact I won every match that wasn't against a summoner) there is clearly a reason why players are gravitating towards these classes. Obviously they are overpowered right now. I understand that warlock will counter the summoner, but this is absurd. I've played a ton of MMO's and while I have seen my fair share of overpowered classes, I have never seen PvP so dominated by certain classes. I know this seems like a cry thread, and it partially is, but this is a serious problem and it gives me half a mind to stop playing the game altogether. I've been trying to level a KFM and been mostly focusing on pve just hoping the devs will iron this out, but I started playing this game in order to pvp and nearly 50% of my matches are 6 minutes of frustrating hell against summoner. Inb4 "just perma-invis and anicancel" well any summoner who is literate will spam their cat call, grassy knoll, dandelion of screw up my invis, dandelion of giving himself invis, and will heal through the pain. Against decent summoners my only hope is a battle of attrition, just waiting for the clock to stop, and that is in no way fun.

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39 minutes ago, GoronHugz said:

I wouldn't be making this complaint if I could play against a BM or a KFM every once in a while. You used to see other classes in arena but every day the BD and summoner cancer grows stronger.

Well guess what, BMs and especially KFMs hate sins as much as you hate summoners so this is just hypocritical >.>


Although I do agree I dislike how strong summoner is overall this patch

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yes, it is terrible, just to prove a point i made a level 15 summoners and quickly climbed to 1700 ... it is stupid, not just that but they pretty much get an unlimited supply of soulstones for very little effort, the thing is even after this is fixed, those soulstones will never go away ... on another note good job getting that high with the current arena, i keep getting 5-6 summoners in a row and falling back down again ...

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