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mushin tower 7F can't beat Junghado as a sin


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first of, I know that Junghado was troublesome for a lot of people and I can't imagine how many similar  questions have been asked. I hope you bear with another one of those.


I changed my skill build multiple times and tried multiple fighting styles. none of them worked.

in perma stealth build I could get him to 70-60% with full HP perfectly fine and then he says something and charge at me (stealthed or not doesn't change anything) and does his air combo thing (and sometimes he freeze the ground before doing so but not always) which does a ridiculous amount of damage. OH! and he becomes untargettable during his combo so "lotus fury" doesn't work and 'ss' avoids 2 hits max and all restealth skills doesn't do anything.

"Landmine" works though but by the time I set/ detonate it he already did 2-3 hits and he does the same ridiculous overpowered combo few seconds later while my landmine is on cd.

actually even if I take his full stupid combo he will still do another one anyway few seconds later.


I am kind of lost to be honest.


My equipement:

weapon: awakened Siren dagger stage 3

accessories: awakened infernal necklace stage 10

                      awakened infernal earrings stage 10

                      awakened infernal ring stage 10

                      siren bracelet

                      siren belt stage 5

soul shields: bloodshade ss 1234568

                      blackram ss 7


My skills:



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Its definitely possible to beat him once you get a good perma stealth routine down for him.  In fact it gets almost painfully easy.  That said for some reason I have noticed that he he likes to turn around and notice you faster than the shadow dash can go off sometimes, which can seriously screw up a perma stealth cycle.


To compensate for this I use a slightly different perma stealth cycle than usual.  I start the fight by circling around behind him and starting stealth with shadow dash (1), followed by the usual RMB+F comboing.  I extend this stealth by poisoning with throwing dagger (x) and shadow drain (1) as close to the stealth expiring as I can.  When that stealth is almost up (about 1 sec left) I use spinal tab (1) with 3 skill points in it so it doesn't drop stealth.  I can then do the standard backdash (ss) and shadow dash (1) while he is stunned from the spinal tap so there is no chance of him turning around.


When I get it just right he never has a chance to fight back, although I keep the smoke bomb (x) available for when I mess up the combo.  Just have to make sure that he doesn't have true sight when you use it to get stealth back.

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besides spinal tap that I use with hook kick when my other stealth skills are on cd, thats pretty much what I do in  perma stealth.

but my problem is with his combo thing I guess he gets the true sight before doing his badass combo and since he does this this combo very frequently there is no time for me to re-stealth and even if I do I won't have much time before he starts another one

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He does get True Sight as part of his fancy combo.  If you look at his status icons he gets a buff called true sight, so you can watch that to figure out when he has it and when it wears off.  If the combo is giving you a lot of trouble specing lotus of escape into giving iframes might be useful for getting out of his combo.  But really proper timing of the spinal tap means you never need to drop perma stealth and he never gets a chance to fire off his combo.  If you have too much lag I could see where the timing might become a proper though.

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I see... I already watched multiple videos but I never paid attention to when he gets his buff, I ll try that as soon as I can.

given the cooldown of lotus of escape  (45sec) it is not an option you can rely on every time.

about the ping, I don't know how much I have but it certainly is not great since I am from EU playing on NA and ani cancel doesn't work often.

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Yeah, the lotus is only meant to be an occasional fix rather than a reliable constant move.  When stealth drops I mostly recommend getting as far away from him as possible and waiting out his combo from as much distance as you can before popping smoke bomb (x) to re-stealth when his buff drops.  You do have to be careful as I think the buff drops after his large ice-like AOE combo finished is planted, but before it goes off.  That means if you stealth and move in too quickly that AOE might off and hit you out of stealth even you he can't actually see you.


If you lose stealth again before the smoke bomb comes of cooldown (its a long cooldown), I'd recommend the poison breath (4) or poison bomb (z) followed by hook kick after all his combo is done (the ice burst AOE should be the final bit of it).  A lot of his moves are multi-attack deals that render the decoy counter useless, so unless you know which attack is coming I'd avoid relying on that. 


Let me know how it goes.

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Had a bit of trouble with him as well, 

Like said above, till I worked out a bit different perma stealth cycle.


I have spinal tap pointed out, but I seldom keep it on CD.  I am pointed to T3 F1 to keep stealth as well ( more explaining in a min ) Instead of SS backing away from him, I walk out in stealth with about 1.0-1.5 left in stealth.  This keeps me at a much closer range then if you where to SS back.  Keep the 1 key pressed ( since Shadow Drain should be on CD at all times ) and as soon as I pop out of stealth, I am back on him from a very close range. ( Just beyond 5m )


If he does his stupid "I am Invuln and I see you trick" this is where I am using my Spinal Tap most often.  SS away from him, Decoy, Smoke Screen, what have you, but STUN HIM WITH Spinal Tap.  Placing him in a Stun should remove the see stealth buff from him.

Same works if you SS > Tab Turning Leaf > 1 Shadow Dash > Spinal Tap


I keep a few of the six second Invuln potions handy in case he opens up as well, and my Lotus Fury is on CD.  But for the most part, since I started staying closer to him.... he has been not turning and catching me near as often.  Prior, when I would SS out, even if I pulled the stealth in on Shadow Dash, he had turned already.


Hope this helps mate

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thank you very much to both of you, I could finally beat him.

to be honest it wasn't easy at all, I don't even remember how many time I had to reset him and I died twice.

a little mistake followed by panic can cost me  100% HP in no time.


I pretty much started the same way with the usual RMB>F>RMB>F..>4>poison shuriken> shadow drain>...... the usual perma stealth combos then I did what you guys suggested when all my stealth skills are on cd; spinal tap> landmine T3 F3 for the poison > hook kick to restealth and then back again to the classic tactic. I also made sure that he always had a throwing dagger on him in case my stealth skills are on CD or if I accidentally drop out of stealth so I can sneak attack T2 F1 (X) him and launch him in the air long enough to backstep and shadow dash at him as soon as he hits the ground.

I also used shadow slash (3) T3 F3 when he charges at me to KD him followed by decoy to restealth when he tries to stand back up.


oh and I dropped his costume!


thanks again

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Use your shadow slash tier3 form3 @ 70% & 35% to knock him down. That will prevent him from using his Combo's. Use Decoy after you knock him down as he'll always use that stupid jumping attack to get up from the ground then go right back into Stealth. EZPZ

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Personally, if I'm not using a KD to decoy back into stealth when he gets back up, I stun him(with Spinal Tap) before I SS shadow dash to him again, to prevent him from taking an action/turning around while I'm moving away or mid-dash. I usually get through the fight without him casting anything, and the times that he does its easy to just use one of the damage immune potions.

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Untitled.jpgIam an assassin i kill Jun without getting damage actually run trough the whole tower without getting damage XD

what build you need is.

Sprint+ RMB -try to get behind him

Rmb+F do your animation cancel right...

X then 1- under 1 sec


then go out from stealh, then immidiately go back with TAB


then go out from stealh, then immidiately go back with 1


X then 1


then go out from stealh, then immidiately go back with TAB


3 in the last second.


In the last sec stun him with Lmb

do the air combo or knock him down



And again ... you got your cd back you can do it all over again


Notice if he do a red AOE attack after he will dash at you and try to lift you into the air counter this with lotus fury. after this knock up with 3 or mine then x.



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