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Any tips for summoner matchup?


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Hello guys,


I need a few tips on "how to counter" some of the summoner abilities. I'm a new player to BnS but i really enjoy the game for it's pvp system. I play as an assassin, and for now I'm an average player cause i still have a ton of stuff to learn about the other classes. I'm a constant learner, got ~2400 raiting in 2's and 3's on every season from tbc to cataclysm, so I like to think that I know my shit c: 


One of the big problems that i have when I play against summoner is to target the player and not the cat, because they have the same damn size..


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You can try using the Unconscious Kick in Stealth Stance on the cat, although I think the cat can be specced to get out of Unconscious so watch out for that. Although I rarely use that on my Assassin actually, and for some reason use the equivalent Unconscious spell on my Force Master much more often lol.


Take advantage of your AoE CC abilities when the cat and summoner are grouped together. A knockdown Mine, or webbing both of them at the same time, things like that.


Try and abuse your Decoy/counter; because the cat will for the most part be attacking you recklessly, proccing a counter should be easy.


There's this one spell that the summoner does: they stick this big flower on top of your head and while I don't fully understand how it works, I think it deals constant damage to you as long as you're near the summoner. This spell is a useful counter the Summoner has against the Assassin because it'll rip you right out of stealth while you're still close to the Summoner, so use your escape flower or SS to back out of range.


The Assassin smoke screen that deflects ranged projectiles is also useful. In addition to just turtling inside your smoke screen, you can put down your smoke screen, then switch teleport the Summoner to take the fight inside your smoke screen.


In my opinion, Summoners really suck at taking you out of stealth when they've used their anti-stealth/aoe abilities which I think have significant cooldowns. So taking advantage of that with some Stealth RMB-F spam should help. As far as I know, Summoners don't have things like the Force Master's Impact spell which is a spammable aoe, or things like Blade Masters speccing their left clicks to become AoEs to conveniently at any moment's notice rip you out of stealth.


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dont spam decoy. if you do its a free grab for the cat. yes when you are doing defensive move they can go on top of you.


unconscious kick only work against noobs summoners. they have an ability called recall that can call their pet back to them every 3 seconds. and they will use this to get you out of stealth


dont engage unless you have a flower if you end up bad ur dead. if you see they are sitting on a pond of flowers or spiky grass don't go there or you will get out of stealth instantly

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