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Need help with BM

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I know BM's currently has no place on the ladder, but somehow I still come back every morning after rage quitting the previous night swearing never to play this shit show of a game again. 


If I keep coming back, might as well do it right. So I need some advice or 1v1 tips for fighting Summoner, BD, and SINS. I have never won a fight against Summoner and BD while have beat every KFM and BM i've encountered. Against FM and Destro is kinda 50-50, Assassin's giving me quite a bit trouble but I can still win against them sometime. 


So I want to know all the counter, combo, skill builds that are targeted towards Summoner and BD and things to watch out for. 


Back when I used to play wow on private servers, I used to play ever class to learn their strength and weakness, I can't afford to do that in BnS as I only have 2 character slots and don't have enough spare time in my life to level up another character. 

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