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Another Junghado Post


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I have cleared the 7 floors of Mushin's towers every day since it has come out, some of it was hard at first, but once I figured out a build and a strategy for each floor it worked out pretty easily. The ONE floors I have a problem with is Junghado, and its not because he has insane damage. There are two main problems I have with him, in order:

  1. He can use his attacks while grabbed or in the air
  2. The frequency at which he uses his red attacks 1 minute before he enrages

1) I have seen him do multiple different attacks while in the air or grabbed (I play Destroyer) including his red iframes. This is just silly. I can understand getting out of a stun or knockdown, but being grabbed and then using a skill and STILL being grabbed.. come on...


I don't have the current best gear in the game, but I do have siren+ gear so I have no problem doing enough damage in the allotted time... to any other enemy. But with Junghado is seems that 4 out of 5 times that I fight him he "enrages" about a minute and a half early. I AM FULLY AWARE OF THE RAGE TIMER AND I KEEP A WATCHFUL EYE ON IT WHEN I FIGHT HIM. I have seen him do 3 red attacks in a row, plop down some ice, do 3 more red attacks all after the warning timer starts up, that is more than half the amount of time I have left to kill him before he rages, so whats the point of even having a rage timer if RNG can just dictate that he "rages" early? There should be a limit to how many times he can iframe in a row before the rage timer goes off. It wouldn't even be a problem if it was iframe > normal attack > iframe > normal attack > iframe > normal attack ect. ect. ect. The problem is that if you get unlucky enough he can make that 5 minute you have to kill him into 4 minutes, or even less.


  • 1. I do not have video/picture proof so you will just have to take my word for it.
  • 2. This has happened to me multiple times.
  • 3. I have no problem with Junghado's mechanics in general, just certain things shouldn't be possible.



Anyways, thoughts?

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The closer to the enrage the more frequent it becomes. When the last min barrier is crossed he will do it 50% of the time if not CCd right after it. KD chain or stun grab are good moves to buy you time to refresh some defensive CDs

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