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Help Me please


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At the quest when old man cho is going to learn me a new windwall training it says that i need to get dragon bone description and that part is put as complete when i press J and read the quest but i never got anything and it just says "deliver the dragon bone description to old man cho" but he is not appearing on the map so i dont know what to do. Please help me!

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 you have to get a dragon bone, which can be bought for a few silver in misty woods from your factions quartermaster at your factions main camp., bear i mind you need to equip you faction costume for this, once the bone is purchased you can leave the camp and take off the faction costume and then you will see on your map in misty woods a new point to hand in the quest, then it is complete


you hand in the quest close to the northern daily quest camp, on top of a hill, there is a route to climb up and walk along a fallen tree to get up there




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