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KFM Gem Question


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I recommend using :

-360 additional damage ruby

-28 attack power diamond

-170 life drain on crit amethyst

- 120 critical and 3 sec immune on evasion peridot


or the corresponding smaller versions if these are currently too expensive for you.


If you are tanking you might consider switching the diamond for evasion or defense and the peridot for heal on evasion if you feel the need for it.

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1 hour ago, Waterstream said:

I recommend using :

-360 additional damage ruby

-28 attack power diamond

-170 life drain on crit amethyst

- 120 critical and 3 sec immune on evasion peridot


or the corresponding smaller versions if these are currently too expensive for you.


If you are tanking you might consider switching the diamond for evasion or defense and the peridot for heal on evasion if you feel the need for it.

Thanks a lot for the information! I really appreciate it. Do the gems have specific names when looking them up on the AH or do I just have to scroll? I am indifferent, but the easier the better.

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You can simply search like this "Brilliant Hexagonal Diamond Attack Power 28" or you can set some of those as a favorite, especially if you are waiting for one price to go below under a certain value. If you do this you can just open the list of this gems by clicking on them in your auction house main menu.

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