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Blazing Palm Tier 4 Stage 1


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This is a troll post, right?


I have nothing nice to say to you if you use stage 1 in group settings. It irks me to no end that you can eat my burns and cause me to do far less damage than I otherwise would.


On another note, for solo stuff / mobs that have very little HP, stage 1 is far superior.


Just don't use it when there are other force masters present.


PS; I would still use stage 2 impact for the extra dmg/stun on targets that are frozen.

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as he said if you solo do whatever you want .But if you with another FM that uses burn just ask before hand if he uses or not.... so you dont annoy the shit out of him .And you gona use force blast for defense then first Stage max tier.

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Exploding isn't very popular because you lose a _lot_ of dps by not keeping burn up, as all your fire spells benefit from the debuff, so when someone prematurely removes ember stacks, it lowers everyones dps by an unimaginative amount. So please, solo play only :)

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19 hours ago, MikeTan said:

I am considering trying out BP Tier 4 stage 1 since hitting 1 every 6 seconds to keep burn up is difficult with my bad ping.

so how would you setup force blast skill?? 


thank you


if i were to use auto-detonate then i wouldnt use any 1 at all, u can use the points in other skills, because u have detonate from 1 already why need 1 to detonate again? and of course solo play only.

btw i have a ping of ~220ms, and force blast so far works ok on me.

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