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Anybody have any tips?  I use my I-frames conservatively,  try not to waste my escapes,  but even when i feel i played really well,  the windows in which i can land my CC are far enough out from eachother that they always have an escape.  Not looking to have a balance discussion, just need some pointers that could help my play out.

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Use knock-downs.  Spin2Win is vulnerable to knock-downs (and ups).  Grapple is not a bad skill to use on LBDs, though they can break it pretty easily, it's still easier to KB and Grapple a BD to get them to waste their escapes than it is to try and time a stun for the tiny window between spins.  Grab space when you see them with a single blade circling them.  That's their 5s or 5 hits invuln ability, and making them waste it by SS + 50% speed boost and going to the other side of the arena is golden.  Especially when you can TAB slam them after it expires.

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at plat level last season a good kfm would only beat me by playing extremely aggressive to force my iframe. If I didn't take any of the baits id get punished by 3rf anyway, and when I used my Iframe I would instantly get killed in a cc 

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