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Darkglimpse as Assassin


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title says it all. holy crap, how do i do it as assassin? i am questin with like perma stealth build as far as i have the skillpoints and unlocked skills yet, which is absolutely nice, but how do i do this dungeon? i get permamently kicked out of stealth standing somewhat near a pile of mobs, and i am not able to kill them fast enough with lv 25 and 22 breakthrough weapon. single target dmg is incredibly high, but useless on this instance.


dit with summoner (trololol), lbm, fc, kfm, before, but *cricket*ing up hard on my assassin. any tips? is there a reasonable aoe build out there for situations like this?


thanks for you help

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Respec poison breath to t3s1. It'll melt most groups but save it when you get large groups of tougher enemies because the cooldown is long. I'm still trying to work on soloing it too and haven't had much success but that definitely helps. Pretty much spec into all of the AoEs such as breath and mine for damage and then just keep them at a steady rotation and use other skills to take down heavy hitters.


I'd love to help you run it if we're on at the same time. (I play odd hours because I work swing shifts and do night school.) IGN is Bucketed.

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thanks for your advices people. i am also in a process of choosing my main class. i thought i could just play assassin from the looks, gameplay videos before etc. but until now, i testet all the classes. i am interested in pvp but also like soloing stuff. so atm. i am a little stuck with my blade dancer. after testing all the classes and leveling them to 25+, i found that having at least some aoe is sooo helpful in this game.


you know my force master is also very nice to play, but i have often to spec into single target or aoe dmg. back and forth. this dampens the fun for me personally. wow, i testet the destroyer finally 2 days ago. just played to 15 or so. wow destroyer is the yolo class of the game. enough rambling. i thank you guys for the tips you gave me. i will go back to my assasin again and see if i can come up with a solution. i want to be able to handle all the content on the intended level. and i need to see if i am just lacking skill of knowledge, or if i have chosen a class that just isnt able to  do special aspectsws of the game well.

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