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KFM vs Assassin - More Info Needed!


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When on my KFM, I perform best against Dest / BD then BM and other KFM.  Sometimes I can handle summoners (though that's one I should arguably be much better against), and maybe beat FM 25% of the time just because I'm bad at re-locating my skills within the window between matches.


Assassins, on the other hand, probably beat me 90% of the time.  Along those lines, probably 50% of the fights I have are against Assassins.  It seems like they might be the most popular class in the game despite the summoner numbers because in 10 fights I might see 1 summoner, 1 destroyer, and 1 BD, but I'll fight 5 Assassins!!!


I've met a ton of varieties of Assassin, and can't quite figure out how to counter any of them successfully.  Most of them are in stealth for probably 75% of the match, and the other 25% of the time I'm in some kind of stun-lock loop.


So - questions:


1. When is the most appropriate time to use TAB stun break?  I am probably wasting mine on the wrong stun.
2. Is there a particular sequence to watch for to start spamming the F key? 


I ask this because I notice I get dazed often but rarely have enough time to "reactively" press the F key before having them use the throat slash (or whatever) skill that disables F escape, or getting kicked into a web that also disables the F escape.


3. Is it actually possible to truly know when a flashbang escape is about to be used?

4. What are the best tactics to get assassins out of stealth?


I've tried sweeping their shadowy form, but it seems their stealth stun mechanics have a longer range than my improved sweep range.  I've tried freezing them out with TAB, which has had modest success.  I've tried just running away with SS +50% speed boost, but then they just pull me or teleport to me and stun me.


I'd say probably 50% of my assassin encounters last from 30s left to when the timer runs out.  They usually take FOREVER to fight, and I am really looking for ways of speeding up the matches.  I've been trying to counter their counter with spin kick, but it seems like just standing next to them often triggers the counter and they pop back into stealth for the millionth time that match...


Appreciate the suggestions / training!

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ill not answer your questions just give general info.

you already mentioned that freezing with tab works, so use that only when assasin goes stealth. result= assasin wastes 1 escape

keep ss to counter flashbang result= 1escape wasted, + good opportinity to stunlock

once assasin is visible try to move away from assasin and use tab for aerial combo. result= 1escape wasted break his arm if you want

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On 2/13/2016 at 3:45 PM, DolphinHungry said:

keep ss to counter flashbang result= 1escape wasted, + good opportinity to stunlock



This is the one area I cannot grasp.  How am I going to SS something that happens in less than .2 seconds?  I need to know if there's some other visual queue other than the little bomb that appears on the ground to know when to SS.  Also, does evading the flashbang prevent them from gaining stealth then?

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Avoiding the flashbang doesn't stop us from getting stealth, but you can prevent being blinded. Btw, you can still target while blinded.


You can tell if we'll use flashbang stealth because it's our tab escape. Put us in a situation to use it... and that's when. If you can't react, the only other way is to read your opponent.


So far I've only met one KFM that was seemingly good at knocking me out of stealth as soon as I get into it. I still won after I realized what he was doing.


Most of my Sin vs KFM matches finish very quickly because I destroy whatever they do.


Right now I feel as if 25% of my matches are blade dancer, 50% are summoner, and 10% are force master. BD and SM which are the ones I struggle against the most.


It's all a matter of perceptive thinking.


If you block or counter at all we get a free stun.

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